(47) Writing

183 16 2

You sit at your desk, typing away at your computer.

Marco laid down on your bed, completely bored. He groaned as you didn't pay any attention to him.

"(Y/N)!" He shouts. You let out a small hmm but you aren't really attention and he realizes it.

Marco groans out again and falls off the bed.

"Yeah that's great," you mutter and Marco glares at you.

That was the last straw as he growled and stomped over to you.

He leaned next to your shoulder and planted his lips on the soft spot of your neck. Your typing ceased and a blush spreads across your face.

He sucked on the spot and hit at it tenderly, leaving a hickey. You couldn't stand it as you spun your chair around and kissed him hungrily.

"Now I got your attention." He smirks.

Marco Diaz X Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now