(30) Halloween

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Ay guys. I awoke up today being like "shit. It's Halloween." So yeah. I didn't go trick or treating because it's raining, but I did get my new glasses! Hope you enjoy.

Halloween. One of the scariest times of the year. Now, the pumpkins are lit and everyone is dressed in their scary costumes. The children and teens are exited for trick or treating for candy and some devilish people go out to vandalize houses and ding-dong ditch.

(Y/N), on the other hand, was spending her Halloween with her friends. Sure they were going trick or treating, but that didn't stop them from wanting to have their usual scary movie night.

That day was especially scary, as the moon was completely covered by dark clouds, where some could see faces within them. The only thing that we're lighting up the streets of Echo Creek were the jack o lanterns that were lit until the trick or treating times were over at 10 o clock.

That was the bad thing. Many people have fears like spiders, snakes, clowns, bananas (long story). The fear that (Y/N) has is something that parents tell their children that they should abandon this fear at 10 years or younger. She was afraid of the dark (if you're not, I'm sorry).

"Maybe we should bring a flashlight." She suggested to her friends as they all prepared for their night.

Janna was a demon, Star was a butterfly (lol sorry not sorry), (Y/N) was a witch, Marco was a wizard, and Jackie was a mermaid.

"What? You afraid of the dark or something?" Janna teased with a smirk. (Y/N) had not told anyone about her fears, as she was afraid of being made fun of.

"N-no! I'm just saying that if we get lost, we should probably have a flashlight." She protested, glaring at her friend. "Don't worry (Y/N). It'll be fine." Marco stated, placing a hand on her back.

(Y/N) blushed at this. She had always had a crush on the brunette, and no matter how hard she tried, she could not get rid of her feelings, even if he didn't like her back.

She sighed, "Fine." The girl mumbled under her breath. Luckily, if anything happens, her friends will be there for her.

Time skip brought by pony princess

The group had made it through most of the houses, but things were getting very weird. The candles on the porches sometimes mysteriously went out. Whenever they knocked on those doors, there was no answer.

Star decided to check things out by going to a house with a candle still lit. They of course opened the door and gave them candy. Then, they waited. There were no noises for the time they waited. About 5 minuets later, the candle went out. They knocked on the door again. No answer.

After getting spooked a bit, they decided to go back home, seeing they got enough candy. As they started their path, about halfway there, the road was blocked. Instead of a dead end or construction sign, it read in front of Bendy and the ink machine writing on the walls 'NO ESCAPE'.

"Maybe we should call somebody." (Y/N) suggested again. Janna knew not to tell her off, as she was slightly scared too. "Probably just a prank." Jackie suggested. Everyone but (Y/N) agreed and as if it were a vote, they headed on past the sign.

Later, as they were almost home, there was another sign. 'I TRIED TO WARN YOU' it wrote. There were sounds in the distance, screaming and growling. Star quickly got out her wand, but a large, slimy tentacle reached down from the sky and slightly swallowed the wand, trying to take Star with it.

Everyone yelled for her as they tried to pull her away from its grasp. The thing ended up taking Star, Janna, and Jackie with it. "Run." A ghoulish like voice whispered in (Y/N) and Marco's ears. With no questions asked, Marco took her hand, and they bolted.

The two quickly found themselves in a thick, wooded, dark, scary forest. The screams and growls faded into nothingness as they slid down the tree. (Y/N) could still hear things with her phobia, thinking that there was still something in the dark. "Marco." She slightly cried to her friend.

"Shh shh.. I'm here." He calmed her. "I have something to tell you." "What is it." "I'm afraid of the dark." She was expecting him to laugh or just make fun of her. He just hugged her and said it was alright.

The (H/C)(or bald) girl sighed as she buried her head into the brunettes shoulder. He softly played with strands of her hair (or not) as she controlled her anxiety. "I'm here." He soothed. "I thought you would laugh at me." She mumbled. "Over what?" He asked, raising an eyebrow as she pulled away. "Of me being scared of the dark." She stated, looking down.

"It's a rational fear (Y/N). I'd never laugh at you for that." He smiled softly down at her. She smiled back, gazing into his brown eyes. They both leaned in, closing the gap and sharing a gentle kiss with each other. Their lips moved perfectly in sync as their eyes closed.

As they pulled away, chuckling a bit, they heard a screech, which made their eyes widen and them look around. "You ruined the moment." Janna growled at Star, who was fangirling. "Wait what?!" Marco asks, slightly pissed, standing up with (Y/N) still in his arms.

The three girls who apparently set they whole thing up chuckled nervously and rubbed the back of their heads. Well, at least Jackie and Star. Janna just smirked and said, "When are you guys gunna fuck?" (Y/N) and Marco both blush intensely as they glare at her. "Anyway... are you guys together now?!" Star asks cheerfully with stars in her eyes. She really wanted this to happen.

Marco looks at (Y/N), waiting for an answer. She smiled softly at him. "Yes." She stated. "Finally!!" Everyone yelled. Her and Marco softly yet playful glared at them before looking back to each other. The rest of the group cheered as they shared another kiss. Except Janna once again. "Get a room. And when you do, use protection." "JANNA!"

This was the best Halloween ever.

I haven't wrote a one thousand worded Wattpad story in a while. Well, Aloha and HAPPY HALLOWEEN!

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