(11) Neko

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"Marco! Marco! I'm so glad your home!" Star yelled, happier than usual. "Um yeah, what happened?" He asked. "I found a really supper cute human cat that can talk and meow!!!!" She said. "Um ok?" He said. 'Not the weirdest thing I've seen here' he thought. "(Y/N)! (Y/N)? Come here kitty kitty kitty..." She called but no one came (cough*cough*undertalereference*cough*cough). "I think your imagining things Star." Marco said, patting her head. (hey that rhymes!). He then went to his room to play video games.

Your POV

I was an ally neko until a really nice teen named Star took me home. When she said something about someone coming home, I immediately hid somewhere. I was always shy when it comes to humans. I found this room that looked like a bedroom. I saw a desk and chair so I hid under the chair.

A couple minutes later, I heard footsteps coming to the room. The door opened, and it was not Star. It was a boy about my age of 14. He was a brunette and had a mole on his left cheek. He was wearing a red hoodie, and jeans.

He walked over to the desk, and sat on the chair above me. I was so scared. He also started playing a kind of a video game on his laptop. I then heard the same door slam open, revealing Star. She had tons of different colors of yarn balls (haha very funny -_-) in a basket, that was in her hand.

I just wanted to chase them all, as soon as I saw them. "What's the yarn for?" The boy asked. "Maybe it can lure the neko out of her hiding place!" She said excitedly. "Yeah ok, but how would she get in here? The door was closed." He replied. "Remember Marco, a neko is half human, half cat!" Star groaned at him slightly. 'Marco' so that's his name' I thought. "Yeah right." He rolled his eyes. Was he saying I don't exist?! I almost hissed at him but realized that would blow my cover.

Star threw a (F/C) color yarn ball, out in the middle of the room. I couldn't help but chase it. I pounced on the yarn ball, and played with the string, with my teeth.

I could see Marco's eyes widen as he saw me. "(Y/N)! There you are!" Star said, picking me up. "She's real?!" Marco asked. "Umm Yeah why would I ever lie to you." Star said. "Sorry I thought you were just imagining things." Marco said, putting his head down. He Then patted me on the head. "She's cute." Marco smiled, making me blush. "Well thank you." I said with a dramatic face, and voice.

*technically timeskip to 15 years in the future. (Your both are 29)

"We all became best friends and me and Marco then started dating." I explained to both our neko twins.

"Oh ok." Savannah said looking up at us. "Then what happened to auntie Star?" Jackson asked tilting his head to the side.

"She got married to Oscar and they are both traveling through dimensions together." Marco replied.

"Okay, now it's time for bed." I picked up Savannah, while Marco picked up Jackson, to bring them to bed.

We both brought them into there shared bedrooms and put them in there beds.

"Night my little Neko's." I whisper, as I shut the lights off and close the door.

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