(31) Road Trip

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"ROAD TRIP!" Star yelled as everyone packed items into the car. You, Marco, Star, and Janna were going on a road trip if you couldn't tell. Janna was driving, Star called shotgun while you and Marco rode in the back.

The things you were taking were food, drinks, activities, and stuff to sleep on. There were more thing you could've taken, but they thought they were fine.

The road trip was going to last at least a couple of days. You were going all the way to Kansas (I don't know where Echo Creek is but let's just say it's near Washington or something idc).

Everyone climbed in, and you were off.

Another thing is that you and Marco were dating. You had gotten together when you were fourteen and stayed together for those two years (hence, Janna being able to drive).

You two sat close to each other as the car was riding down the road. Janna fake gagged at you two while Star squealed. Marco rolled his eyes as he wraps his arm around you, you becoming a light shade darker than your skin.

The road trip was like any other. You all told random stories, ate food, and more. It was pretty fun until you ran out of stories. It was just becoming night and you were looking at the stars. "They're beautiful." You gaped.

"Not as beautiful as you." Marco smiled, stroking your hair. You chuckled a bit, giving him a small peck.

"Ugh. Stop with the sappy stuff." Janna groaned, chuckling. Everyone rolled their eyes but laughed with her.

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