(29) Water Emperess

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In this, the reader has Lapis Lazuli powers (Steven Universe) Control of Water, water wings, and yeah. Btw, this is less of a Marco x Reader but still. Tell me if you want a part 2. Love ya!

Marco groaned as he was thrown to the floor. He looked at his best friend who was struggling to blast the empress with her wand.

(Y/N) (L/N), a Water empress. She has (H/C) hair with a blue streak, (S/C) skin, and (E/C) eyes. She is the daughter of Tsunami (L/N) and Splash (L/N).

She was one of the greatest villains that Star and Marco had ever faced. Even more than Toffee or Ludo. She could control water with her mind and make almost unstoppable weapons or enemies.

Her family had been opposing Mewni for generations. Her mother and Queen Moon used to be rivals and her mother wanted (Y/N) to grow up and take over Mewni and go against Moon's daughter, Star Butterfly. Her and Star's rivalry was only based off of family wars.

That brings us to now.

(Y/N) was on a medium sized pillar of water while Marco and Star were trying to take her out from the sandy floor. They were in Ebony beach, battling to the death. Well, sort of to the death. Water was rising and attacking the two teens as she swiftly dodged the teens' attempt at slashing her down.

"(Y/N)! Why're you doing this?" Star yells up to the empress. "I have to." She growls back, making two swords made out of water slash at them. "What do you mean?" Marco asks, as he karate kicks some of the water tower, making it unstable. (Y/N) wobbles a bit before gaining her balance, glaring at the brunette.

"Your family had wronged me and my whole kingdom. You destroyed the oath we had made a millennia ago and now your family shall pay!" She yelled, making two water hands try to grab at the two 14 year-olds. Marco and Star ran around the pillar, the two hands chasing them.

The water squeezed the tower, making it poof as water started pouring down everywhere. (Y/N) collapsed into the shallow part of the water. As she tried to stand, she saw something pointing down at her. She looked up to see Star and Marco, Marco in a karate-fighting position while Star was pointing her wand at the empress.

She growled and tried to get away, but some sort of pink magic surrounded Star's wand, giving her the message to not even try. The empress sighed. "Fine. You have me. Now what do you want?" (Y/N) said harshly, glaring up at the two before looking away sharply.

The teens raised their eyebrows at the empress. "What do you mean?" Star asked, slightly lowering her wand, but still having it up and ready. "Your family had always wanted something that we had, but they didn't. Now, since we've been enemies for so long, I don't even know what you want anymore." She sighs.

"We never wanted anything." Star stated. "Then why attack me?" She growls, still looking away. "You've attacked us!" Marco growled, putting his hands on his hips. "What do you mean?" "You just randomly show up and just start forging the water into weapons to kill us." He sighs in annoyance. "Last time I checked, you did something to upset time and Universe for me to attack. Or if you were to hurt my kingdom." She growled harshly.

"When have we-" Star cuts herself off as she remembers what happened with the time and universe thing. Marco seems to get it as well as he blushes in embarrassment as he didn't remember. They both let out a long sigh. "We're sorry." Star sighs as she offers a hand for (Y/N) to get up. She grabs Star's hand and lifts herself to her feet. "It's fine, I guess." She sighs, only slightly meaning it.

"Maybe we can be friends?" Marco asks.

"Gladly." The empress smiles.

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