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"Whose she?" Eric asked giving me his normal smug look. He has on his work uniform, which is a black jumpsuit with his name stitched on a patch. He's been an engineer since I was a kid.

"A friend." I answered dryly.

"You just bring people over without asking?"

I do my best to not to get pissed off, "You guys were asleep. Rather me wake you up?"

He doesn't say anything back. He just gives me one last hard stare before walking away. I'm happy he's leaving in a few. His presence just irritates my soul and I don't wanna have to play out a scene in front of Hielee.

He walks away into the kitchen. I just stand by the steps. I needed to get away from the conversation Hielee and Jane were having. They were boring the hell out of me. I'm also trying to avoid any conversations about me.

My phone vibrates in my pocket. I quickly get it out, remembering that I haven't texted Maliah since I got home a few hours ago.

"Hey." I answered quitely.

"Hey, sorry. I fell asleep after everything. How was the day with Hielee?"

I quickly peek around the corner before answering, "She's still here. A paranoid hysteric named Jane Keen decided to take it into her own hands and told her to stay for dinner."

I heard her snicker, "Talk about bad luck."

"I've never been so annoyed in my life. I want her gone."

"I'm guessing the conversation didn't go well ... or?"

I sighed, "It did, but ... she didn't need to stay. It's awkward now. I wasn't prepared for that."

"What'd she say?"

"Everything we talked about."

"Told you." She said cooly.

And more.

"Can this night be over already?"

"My night is going fine." She said.

"How were the phone calls?" I asked remembering why I'm not over there in the first place.

"Awesome actually. I got some open house dates. I just have to tell my parents when they get back so they can take me."

I feel the bitterness swelling in my stomach, but I fight it, "That's really good."

"I should let you get back to your predicament," She chuckled. "It's rude to disturb you while you have a guest over."

I rolled my eyes, "Shut up. It's never stopped you before."

She sighed randomly and her tone became sad out of nowhere, "We need to talk about something."

My heart sank in my chest a little, but I did my best to cover up the fear in my voice, "About?"

"Um, something important I guess." She answered.

I frowned, "That doesn't help. Can you narrow it down?"

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