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I brush my hair back, feeling the prickly sensation all over my scalp. I have some gel in it to keep it slicked back. I've been alive for almost eighteen years and I can't recall a lot of my life. I just remember most of the bad parts vividly. Sometimes I think is it too late for it to better. That I've wasted my best years or maybe not. I can't tell anymore. I've just been thinking too much and it's been getting to me.

This black blazer and these pair of slacks fit me really good. I've never worn stuff like this before so when my Mom and I went shopping I was a little skeptical. I guess everyone can pull this stuff off once they try hard enough.

Maliah's parents invited us to their New Year's party tonight since they didn't invite us over for Christmas. Her other family is going to be there too which may make things a little weird just because I've never actually met them before. So looking "presentable" is the key to this night.

I'm just happy I get to spend New Years with Maliah. Even if it is gonna be a little claustrophobic. I mean, we always have her room and the backyard to escape to. I doubt anyone is gonna be looking for us. Everyone will be drunk and occupied with impressing each other.

"Jax are you ready?! I'm almost done!" An anxious Jane Keen yelled from outside my door.

"In the bathroom finishing my hair!"

She hasn't been out to a party in a long time. Her and Eric's recent divorcing hasn't helped either. It just made things worse. She almost wound up staying home if it wasn't for me. The last thing I wanna do is be surrounded by Maliah's family alone.

I check myself out again one last time. All of this is new. I'm just starting to feel like a new person all around. I'm trying to better my attitude and not get so mad so fast. I'm developing better habits and learning how to take care of myself better. How to take care of my Mom. And if I'm not really getting better at shit then I guess I can always pretend.

We arrived at Maliah's place probably a little less than an hour. There's barely any parking anywhere cause everyone seems to be throwing a party every other house tonight.

I said hi to my future in laws and ignored everyone else and all the rugrats running around. Maliah's parents definitely moved some furniture around to make it more spacious. I also noticed they took out all the expensive shit they used to decorate the house in the first place. Smart move.

"Jax!" I heard from Maliah.

I snapped around to see a drop dead gorgeous ginger girl in a smooth black dress. I mean real smooth. Even some nice heels. I didn't even know she liked wearing heels. Her tits and hips just fill it out so nicely. Her hair is her natural wavy do and it's just so sexy. I see the slight bling of her new piece of jewelry. She wears that ring just right.

I mumbled, "Holy fuck ..."

"You look -" She said.

"Amazing." We both said at the same time.

I feel my cheeks burn. Am I blushing? "Oh? No ... I look okay. It's nothing. Thanks though."

"What? Jax you look ... great," She shifted weirdly. "Really great."

I suddenly feel ... shy? Maliah is genuinely complimenting me without teasing. I don't know how to take it, "Guess the blazer and the matching slacks work for me?"

She smirked, "Yes. Why yes they do."

I slid my hands into my pockets and lowered my voice, "Well don't give me all the attention. You look better."

She moved her hair behind her ears, "This old thing? No ... I didn't have anything to wear. My Mom and I found absolutely nothing for me this year."

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