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I feel hot air on the left side of my neck. I smile a little, remembering the events of last night. Maliah's breathing is heavy - I definitely put her on her ass last night. Matched her game and won. I grin and pull her sleeping warm naked body closer to me.

No one bothered to check on us last night. After the ball dropped the music went on. Maliah took advantage and made all the noise in the world. I on the other hand couldn't really get into being as loud just because. It was mostly a thrill.

I swear she put something in her own drink. Its hard to believe I turned her on that much. Hands down the best New Year celebration ever.

Maliah moves a little. Her hair tickles a small part of my face. She's currently curled into my side with my arm wrapped around. Its dead silent right now.

I don't even know if anyone left or not. I know for a fact my Mom is still here. They definitely got her wasted.

Maliah hums against my neck, "Round two ..."

I laughed quietly, "Go back to sleep."

She chuckles and brings her hand over my chest. We're still naked. And we should probably shower and put clothes on soon.

"I'm up." She said groggily. She doesn't budge like I thought she would.

"Doesn't sound like it. And you want a round two?"

She hummed again.

"We should  shower and get dressed then before my Mom or your parents come knocking," I mentioned.

She groaned, "But I'm so comfortable."

I smiled, "I'm so glad. My arm is completely numb right now."

She laughs quietly, "I'll get up. Give me five more minutes."

"Fine. Just five."

It definitely wasn't five minutes before Maliah finally got up. We went through some pillow talk beforehand, which was perfect anyway. I love some sweet pillow talk. I ended up in her clothes once again which made her tease me about talking shit a few months ago.

Some people from her family stood over. Not too many people though, thankfully. Jane Keen had a small hang over and was ready to go back home and shower.

"Where did you and Maliah disappear too last night?" Jane asked setting her car keys down on the table.

"To her room," I said casually.

"You guys missed the ball drop. I was looking for you. Then I was immediately side tracked by drinks and music."

Luckily my back was facing her when I smirked, "We know. We were talking about some stuff and she just wanted to get away from everyone. She's not used to having so many people in her house."

"So are you officially together yet?" She asked. "I see she wears her ring proudly."

I took a seat at the table and sighed, "Uh, no. Not yet. I guess we're just going without the title. I guess the title throws things off for her? I dunno."

"Does it throw things off for you?"

I shook my head no, "I just enjoy having it solidified. Being able to actually say it and know its true."

"Understandable. Just take care of your heart," She pointed her finger at me.

I smiled, "I am. I've learned how to put my foot down, I guess."

She sighed, "Good ..."

"Are you okay?" I asked. "With everything ..."

She shrugged, "Forgetting about fifteen years of marriage will take time. It's easier that he's not around and we don't talk. I just feel like there's a piece missing. All the time."

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