First Day

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Isabella's POV

I sighed standing in front of the Christos Office. Well, this is thrice than our office in Germany.

I mentally slapped myself at once. It's not yours Bella, not yours at all.

What happened was yesterday that stupid Alan guy went to our place. Aunty told him to train me and appoint me as an apprentice. Hell, I would never come if aunty didn't remind me about Aurora, my life, my sister. She is caged there. I need to help her. At any cost. I need to take to me. Otherwise that idiot lady will make her life hell too like me. I never I want in my wildest dreams to get her hurt. I need to do it for my sister. Only for her. I will do it my little honeybee. For you I will do it. Only for you, I will stay strong. I won't break down.

I sighed and entered in the office building. I can feel these people are watching me, more like checking me out. Hell!!! Can I kick their face!!! Well, keep patience Bella. I calmed down myself.

I searched for the receptionist. Where has that person died? I was searching then someone stood beside me.

" Hey, beautiful!!! Can I help you?" He said and I ignored him.

I found the receptionist and started to walk to her. First thing I can say about this girl is she is a certified Bitch. Why is she smiling and acting like she is seducing someone. Well, Bella stop thinking about that, focus on yourself.

" Excuse me, Ms...." I read her badge. Camellia Payton. " Ms. Payton." She turned to me annoyingly and soon her eyes were shining in jealousy. Well, why is she jealous of me!!! I am not a Bitch like her. I cleared my throat.

" Yes? How can I help you?" She said.

" Cammie darling, you don't need to help her, I will help her." the guy from earlier said to her and she gave him a seducing smile.

" Excuse me, Mr. Step back before before kick you hard and you know when I am angry hell will rise up. So, do both of us a favor and just leave before I break this stupid face of yours." I gritted, " And you whatever your name is tell me where is Mr. Christos's cabin right now before I bang your head somewhere. " I was fuming.

" It's this way Ms." She was scared now and her seducing smirk was vanished.

" Thank you." I told in a bitter tone.

I was advancing towards idiot Alan's cabin and I saw that stupid guy was still following me. I turned and shoot my death glare.

" Well, Alan Christos doesn't date, he hates girls who throws themselves to a man. Give the chance to me instead. I swear you won't regret. I can fulfill all wishes." He smirked at me.

" You finished? " I asked and he again smirked.

" Well" I said just spin my body and kicked him hard on his wrist.  He just shouted and sat on the ground clutching his wrist. His expression was horrible. Well, this how that works!!! I have to thank Finnick my trainer, he trained me from when I was a kid, like my brother. I never used it though, this is the first time.

I examined his wrist. Minor fractured.

" Well, be careful next time." I said and helped him to get up. Then slapped him hard.

" Never think a girl is weak and cheap. Next time I see you doing something like this, you will find yourself under 10 feet of ground. Now leave before I break another wrist." I gritted and I heard someone cleared throat. I turned and found Alan Christos was standing there with an unreadable expression on his face.

" What is happening here? " he asked in a cold tone. Like I care!!! His employee tried to insult. I didn't start it. Before I can say anything that stupid guy started to talk first.

" Sir, This girl is crazy. She was going to kill me. Look, what she has done to me!!!" He cried in pain and I smirked. Now you got what Bella is!!! Didn't get frighten before asking for date!!!

" Well, I have seen what you did. You are fired. Get lost from here." Alan said to that guy.

He immediately left the place. Then Alan turned to me.

" Well, Follow me Ms. Stratton." He said and I followed him silently.

Alan's POV

" Mom!!! Why are taking this that far? We just had a fight, she is crazy girl, nothing like friend. Ok?" I told my mom.

I told her yesterday that I meet Isabella Stratton, she is just asking about her. I told her to meet her in person. Cause, this girl is crazy enough to get into nerve. Even we had fight yesterday.

" Alan, my boy, cause I know she must is a sweetheart like mother. It's must be you who annoyed her like hell, so that she treated like this." My mom said.

Here you go. This is my mom. No one can talk back when she states something, not even my dad the famous Nickolas Christos. Everyone knows my dad Nickolas Christos is one of the most powerful persons in Greece but he too afraid of my mom's rage. So, who am I to reply her back!!! My mom is my mom, can't help. I love her a lot.

" OK, I admit my fault." I said.

" Next time don't fight with her, Alan Christos. You will see the hell." Mom just shoot me death glare.

" Come on, mom. I am not dad, it work on me." I smirked and earned another glare and dad get chocked.

" Well, get married you brave boy. I will see then." My dad said and smirked.

" Well, people. I am going. I am done. You finish your breakfast. "  I kissed Grandma's cheeks and hugged my mom.

" When will Grandpa return? " I asked Grandma, he went to on a business trip. Usually Grandma goes with him, this time she was bit a sick so went alone.

" Tomorrow I guess." She smiled.

" Well, OK. I will go now." I said and left my chair.

" Don't forget to call Mr. Filaktos. Make the deal finalized today. " my dad said.

" OK, I will." I said and left my office.

I reached Christos Corp. and parked my car in the parking and get down from it. I was walking towards my cabin and I heard someone talking on the corridor. I saw Isabella was talking with a guy. Why is talking with a guy!!! I feel something burning inside me. I wanted shout at them but I somehow kept quiet.

Suddenly, I saw she just turned her body and kicked that guy hard on his wrist. Woah, she knows Taekwando!!! Great!! This girl!!!

She just told the guy that his wrist got a minor fractured and helped him to get up. Once he was stand still, she slapped him hard. I was shocked at this. I never thought that she is that strong. But it's great.

I just cleared my throat and make them look at me. I just fired the guy and told her to follow me. This girl is really crazy but strong. I quite like it.

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