The Thing Which Is Lost

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Campbell House
Melbourne, Australia
12:00 AM

The lonely girl was sitting in her window looking at the sky. Her tears were not flowing down anymore. She was silent but if you look deep down her big blackish brown eyes you can see they were screaming to release the pain they are holding inside. She was neither blinking nor moving. She was staring at the stars like a statue.

" Are you watching me, Mommy?" She asked to the star she considered as her mom.

" I know you are. And Daddy too." She said and again was silent.

" Tasha got married today. It was very very happy day for me. You know why? You know right?" She said and smiled a bit with wet eyes.

" This marriage shouldn't be like this. You guys should be there. With us. To be a part of this happiness, the post important part. This all went wrong. Why Mommy? Why? What did we ever do to deserve this?" She asked.

" I don't have any complain against God, Mommy you you why? I know that you know. Cause, God is looking after us always kept us alive, he loves us so much but what we did? Just complained. But we have to understand that we shouldn't ask for something which God can't give us. If we ask and God can't give us then he himself gets hurt. Now, tell me Mommy, should we ask for something which hurt God who loves us so much?!!! But I did ask for something like that, Mommy. You know what!!! I asked for my parents life back." She said and hugged herself burying face on her knees.

" I am sorry, Mommy. I am sorry, Daddy. I may not that God person. But one thing I know I have to be strong right? People cry when they are hurt but look at me I can't even cry. Tears also betrayed me, Mommy. They refuse to shed anymore. Besides, you know Finn and Tris always stays around. If I try to cry they will break down too. We became stable after so many days. I know all of us just holding a mental state if one breaks others will be broken automatically. I don't want that, Mommy. I don't want that." She said with a shaky voice.

" I miss you Mommy. I miss you daddy." She said.

She think for something for a while. Then nodded to herself in agreement.

" Come on, Tracy Campbell you can do it, even if house is full of people you can do it". She said to herself.


The same time
Another room in
Campbell House

" No, I didn't say sorry. But I will." Liam said to his twin Luke.

" Not impressing. You shouldn't have told that to her in the first place." Luke said.

" I know. But I didn't know she will react something like that." Liam said.

" You shouldn't say that, Liam you should know not everyone the same. You always mess like this." Luke said.

" Yeah, Bella too said me the same thing." Liam said.

" Cause, she knows you are a stupid. You shouldn't talk with Tracy at the first place and you called her chilli!! Are you stupid?" Luke said.

" Alright, alright, don't lecture me anything." Liam said.

" I wonder how we are siblings?!!" Luke said.

" Forget about siblings we are twins." Liam said and winked.

" Stupid. Go away. Let me sleep and turn off the lights before you go. Good night."

" Good night, sleep tight, Lowkey." Liam said.

" Get out." Luke threw a pillow on him and he ran out of his room.

Liam laughed and then sighed. He shouldn't do it. His jolly nature made someone hurt.

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