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Alan's POV

" Now what, Norman? " I asked in a disgusting tone. Last night I couldn't sleep well. I had a nightmare last night. Well, it is the true event what I saw that happened with me.

" Sir, Mr. Julian wants to make the deal today, if you are interested. " he said.

" Ask him to come later. I am not in a state of concentrating today." I said.

" OK, sir. I will let him know." He said.

" Anything else?" I asked.

" Sir, that Stuart guy hasn't back off till now, he might be cause of our facing lose this time." He added

" OK, I am watching over this. Next?" I asked.

" Sir, your cousin Eleanor Stewart called and said if you don't want to be killed by her than switch on your phone and talk with her or else she will come here and it won't be good for you. " he said smirkingly. Shot!!! Mom!!! She must have called her. Sigh!!!

Ellie is the eldest sister of mine, she is my cousin but more than a sister. She won't care slapping me in front of the whole office and shout at me badly before my stuffs and she does it often. I sighed.

" Why are you smirking now?" I asked pissed off.

" Cause, still Naomi, Natalie and Natasha in list. Should I enlighten you?" He smiled.

" Idiot, you should tell me this first." I gritted. " OK, you go I will handle them."

I dialed Ellie's number first. It was ringing. God!!! Please save me from this crazy girl's hell wrath.

" Oh!!! Someone remembers that I am still alive?" She asked sarcastically.

" How are you?" I asked.

" I was supposed to ask this." She said.

" I am fine." I said.

" I am hell worried. Are you mad?!!! Where were you last night? " she asked this time with an hell angry voice. " Do you have any idea how much worried I was??? Do you want to give me a heart attack?! " she shouted and I smiled.

" Well, I was in a bit depression. I was roaming around." I said.

" Hasn't police arrested you for roaming around late night?" She said sarcastically. I laughed.

" Why will police arrest me? Am I a criminal? " I said.

" Only criminals roaming like this and speeding up crazily is also a crime. So yeah, you are a criminal. " she said and I can but smile.

" Come on, Ellie. I am Alan Christos. I don't need to be scared of this." I said.

" Well, you are a rule breaker like Eddie. You two should have some punishment. " she said.

" OK, I accept that." I said.

" I so badly want to slap you hard right now. " she said and I laughed.

" Stop laughing you fool. Tell me what happened?! " she asked. I sighed.

" I had a dream last time." I said.

" I have every night what's wrong in it?" She asked.

" I had a dream about Hailey and that incident. I went to see her in the cemetery last night and I was there the whole night." I said and she sighed. She was silent for a moment.

" Alan, Hailey was a pure soul. No one of us expected this will happen with her. But it was meant to be happened. We can't help it. You have to accept that she can't come back now." She said and I know every bit of it was true. Still it was stabbing my heart that for me my sister died. She wasn't suppose to get shot. I was. I closed my eyes and let pain overwhelm me.

" I killed her, she got shot for me." I said softly.

" Not at all Alan. You and Eddie will always blame yourself for this. But there was no fault of yours. You two were not at all responsible for this. They tried to kill you two but she came in between and she got the shot." She got the shot.

" I buried her with my own hands. I still can't come out of this shock, Ellie. I swear." I said.

" Listen to me, Alan. This is not what we want you to be. This is not. You are now only hope of Uncle and Aunty, you have to hold on yourself. Your parents are living only for you. Do you know how much it pains??? It was not only you who lost his little sister, your parents too lose their child we too lose our little Fairy. We need you to come back to life. You and Edwin always hold yourself responsible for this. You need to change this. You both. Come New York this weekend we can spend some time together, Eddie is also free this time. We can have a good time." She said last few words softly.

" OK, I will try." I said.

" OK, bye then. See you in weekend, take care little brother." She said.

" Urrghh, stop calling me little brother. It suppose to be Noel, Liam or Luke. " I said.

" Nah, I have names for them. You are my little bro." She laughed.

" Bye, you are annoying." I said.

" Bye. You are little bro." She hung up.

I called Naomi and got another shot of soldering. Then called Natalie who shot fires like first two and Natasha started to cry. This girl!!! They are different in color. Everyone is different. Once I made them believe that I am fine I leaned back my chair and there was a knock in the door.

" Come in." I said. I saw Isabella entering my cabin with two cups of coffee. She was looking as pretty as ever. I was wondering how does she manages to look this beautiful always!!! What, Alan!!! She is enemy. Behave. Don't get defeat before the war starts. But it's true. I was in my inner fight.

She put one in front of me and started to sipping another one. I took the cup and followed her. I observed her. Her eyes were puffy and red. She was looking outside of the window.

" Do you mind if I stay here for a moment? " she asked without averting gaze from outside.

" Sure you can." I said. She was gone all silent then thinking about something deeply.

" Today is my sister's birthday. " she said sadly looking at me. I know now why she is sad.

" You want to go back?" I asked just to see her reaction.

" No,no I don't. " she immediately looked at me in horror.

" Why not?" I asked raising one of my eyebrows.

" Cause I have run away." As soon as she said that her eyes were wide opened and mine too.

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