It's Hurt And It's Undeniable

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Isabella's POV

" Are you always this crazy?" I heard Alan from behind. But I ignored him totally. I was arranging my stuffs more like shoving into the luggage. He was looking at me weirdly.

" Don't look at me like this, at least that's what I can do." I stood up and walked to my closet. "Move aside." I pushed him aside as he was standing in front of my closet. He just sighed.

" We are getting late, Bella." He said and I didn't pay heed to him.

" I am trying." I said. " Why isn't this luggage closing. I was struggling to close that zipper. I suddenly Alan came he hold my hand and pushed me behind. He closed the zipper.

" There. Now come." He said and got out of my room. I took my jacket and came downstairs.

" By the way, when is the flight?" I asked. Hey, don't look at me that way, I know I am clumsy. It just didn't cross my mind to ask about the flight.

" We are going on the jet not flight." He said.

" Then why were you whining like a kid?" I asked.

" Excuse me, I was whining like a kid!!! Wasn't it someone else who was acting like a clumsy kid?" He mocked. " Well, going on jet but it varies with weather conditions, besides you were planning to take ages if I didn't do that." He said and I stomped my feet.

" You two!!! Stop now." I heard aunty saying.

" He started." I said and he glared at me which I ignored totally.

" Well, Aunty, we all know who can start, don't we." He said ad smirked. I sticked my tongue out at him.

" Alan, please, take care of her and if her family finds out they can make an issue." Aunty said and my heart clenched at once at this.

" They can't aunty, just don't worry. Bella is already 19, she can say she doesn't want to live with them anymore." He said.

" You don't know their evil tricks that's why saying this." I said.

" There is antidotes for every evil tricks, just don't engage your brain with those thoughts it is better thinking stupid clumsy things for you." He said and I glared at him which he ignored this time.

" Ok, aunty we are leaving actually we are getting late." He said and hold my luggage which I was also clutching. He pulled it along with me.

" Bye, aunty." I kissed her cheek and hugged briefly.

" Urrrghh, stop dragging me, I can't match your pace, walk slowly." I said and he ignored me and kept walking until we reach his car.

" Urrrghh, Alan!!" I gritted.

" Inside." He pushed me in the car and closed the door, he came from the other side and sat beside me.

" Alan!!!" I almost yelled.

" No time for useless talking." He said.

" I hate you so much." I said.

" No, you don't." He said.

" Yes, I do." I said.

" Just stay silent for a moment, Bella. You talk too much." He said.

" You are an idiot." I said.

" You were not supposed tell that to your boss." He smirked.

" Hell with boss." I said.

" How feisty!!!" He laughed.

" Annoying like hell." I said and leaned back then closed my eyes." You didn't tell me why are you taking me with you? I am not even your PA. Wasn't Nolan suppose to go with you?" I asked opened one of my eyes and saw him looking outside. He turned to me.

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