Things Went Wrong

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Isabella's POV

" Congratulations, Ms. Winstein." Josh Miller one of our sponsors said.

" Thank you, Mr. Miller." I said. I was searching for Alan. I was trying hard not to cry like a mad woman.

" It was very very nice." He said. What's with this guy can't he has a hint that I am not at all interested in talking with him now!?

" Thank you." I said.

" You look very beautiful today." He said. Here you go.

" Excuse me. I have something important to do." I said.

" You told you are single. Why can't I get a chance?!" He said and I smiled at him.

" You can't get a chance cause it's my life to decide not yours and one more thing is I have already decided to give that chance to some one else. I am not at all interested in your daydream. Now if you please excuse me?" I said.

" You are taking a wrong decision giving the chance to anyone else Bella." He said only to enraged me.

" First of all, it's Ms. Winstein for you and secondly you better not teach me what is right and what is wrong for me. Thirdly, don't try to show up in front of me or else I will be compelled to cut off our sponsorship. And trust me there will be nothing that you can do with that. It will effect nothing if I cut off our relationship with you but you will be ruined if I do it. So, be careful opening that ugly mouth of yours before I cut off your tongue." I said very coldly.

" Very impressive. Can I know who is that low life for whom you are rejecting a man like me?" He smirked.

" You shouldn't be interested in my life. You better stay away. And you no need to be proud of yourself. You have nothing to impress a girl. Do you think you can impress a girl like me with your playboy status? And as for my choice, you will know soon when there will be a ring on my finger and I will have his surname." I said and left him without any further chitchat. I am hating everything now. Why should I be so stupid sometimes? Urrrghh, where is he now!!! I urrrghh... Feeling horrible. Why am I like this? I was searching for the whole event but couldn't find him which was scaring me like hell.

What if he leaves me? No,no,no. He loves me, right? But what if Kendra gets her?! No worries Bella you just need to get her and bury her under 10 feet if the ground then get Alan back. But where is Alan? Where has he gone!? Where is he? I was searching everywhere but he was no where to be found. I found everyone but not him.

" Bella, where were you?" Lisa asked me.

" I.. I.. was there talking with Mr. Miller." I said.

" Oh, ok. Where were you going like this?" She asked.

" Nowhere. Have you seen Alan?" I asked.

" No, why?" She said.

" No, just like that. I will be back." I said and walked towards Tasha who was standing with all of them.

" Hey, Bella. Where were you?" She asked.

" I was just talking with Mr. Miller." I said.

" Oh, that's ok." She said.

" Tasha, have you seen, Alan?" I asked.

" No, I haven't." She said.

" He has gone back home." Naomi said.

" Gone home?" I asked.

" Yes, he has gone back home." Ellie said.

" Why? What happened? Has anyone told you something?" Edwin said.

" Yeah, what happened, Bella?" Steffan asked.

" No, nothing happened." I said.

" You know you can tell Steffan he is the eldest brother of all of these kids standing around including me accept this girl." Tasha said pointing Ellie.

" He not my brother too, he is my friend." Edwin said.

" He is your brother too, babe. Big one." Tasha said.

" I am going home. You guys enjoy. I need to see Alan. I have something important to discuss with him. I am going. Bye." I said and ran out of the event.

" Bella!!!" I heard Ellie shouting.

" Bella, wait!!!" Tasha said.

" Bella, we are coming just stop." Stella said but I didn't listen to anyone.

Only I knew how I was feeling that time. I was feeling like something bad is going to happen. I just ran out of the event. I took a texi and then I just went to home. I went inside but it was all dark. I felt a bit weird. Hasn't he come back? I went upstairs to his room I knocked but to my surprise the door was opened. I went inside and turned the light on. I saw the room was empty. No one was there. I checked the balcony and knocked the washroom. No one was there. Where is he!!! I suddenly remembered there is a device called phone. What happened to me?! Have I eaten my brain up in tension!!!

I took out my phone and dialled his number. My heart was about to blast pounding so bad. I was panting hard running all the way from the gate and with all the activities. I was just thinking about him. Is he ok? What have I done? I shouldn't ignore him in the first place. I don't deserve to be cared, to be loved. This why I never got it. When I got someone who does that I pushed him away from me!!!!

I found Alan's phone was switched off. God!!! Where is he? Please, keep him safe. God!!! Where are you Alan?

I tried again and again but there was no answer from him. I was hell scared. I climbed downstairs found Mrs. Busby working in the kitchen. I decided to ask her.

" Good evening, Mrs. Busby." I said.

" Good evening, Ms. Stratton." She said. " How was the event?" She asked.

" Mrs. Busby, it was good. Have you seen Alan? Did he come back?" I asked.

" Oh, yes. He came back and took his stuffs then went out, he told me to tell you he has something important to do. He is going back to Greece and gave this number of the pilot of his jet so that whenever you want to go back to Greece he can take you back or else Ms. Edwards can get you reach there." She said.

" He hasn't gone with his jet?" I asked.

" Maybe he will catch the flight." Mrs. Busby said.

" What?! Why is he going in flight?" I asked myself.

I took the number and called the pilot to assure him that I am going Greece next morning. There is no way let the things go wrong. I ran to my room pulled out my luggages and just shoved my stuffs inside. I will get you Alan, get you in Greece. No back away from me. I looked at the pendant and kissed it wiping my tears away.

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