Not Again!!!

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Isabella's POV

What have I said!!!! Bella!!! Just what!!! Can't you shut your mouth off for a second!!!

I looked at Alan in horror. I found he too looking at me with eyes open widen. What have I done!!! What will he do now!!! Contact my dad!! Tell him that I am here!!! No,no,no. Bella, do something. What!!! What will I do!!!

Run, Bella. Just run away at once. My mind insisted me. I was quite agreed with it. I don't want to go back. I don't. No I am not going back and get trapped again. Never ever.

I saw Alan looking at me totally puzzled, trying to understand why did I run away. I took that chance and stood up from the chair. I quickly ran to the door and came out at once.

" Bella, come back here at once." I heard Alan shouting after me. I just kept running without hearing him.

" Bella!!!" Now he was out too and running after me.

" Bella, stop at once before I get you, cause if I get you it won't be good for you. Do both of us a favor, Don't make me angry. Just stop where you are." He shouted.

" Like Bella is going to listen to you!!! Like seriously Alan!!! You think so?" I shouted back.

I took a turn saw the lift was closing. I speeded up and caught it at once. I pushed the ground floor. The lift closed but before that I saw Alan stopped a feet away from the lift. I waved at him and the lift closed.

Not that easy to get me. Even if you are Alan Christos. I laughed. Well done, Bella. You are genius. I patted own shoulder.

I was waiting for the ground floor. I was feeling like it is taking years to reach. At last I reached ground floor. The door opened and my smile vanished at once. I saw Alan standing there with his guards. His face was saying exactly how angry he was. I gulped and came out of the lift.

" Well, many to one!!! Shame on you. You need those people to catch me!!! Glad to know that you admit your defeat. " I laughed awkwardly.

" Ms. Stratton, very funny. I hope you have a meaningful reason behind what you just did." Alan said in a very cold tone.

" Yes, of course I do. Why not!!!" I was saying and looking around to find out a way to escape.

" No way to escape. " Alan said.

" I think there is one. " I said.

" Really!!! I will be glad to see." He said with same cold tone. I smirked.

" Then watch this." I kicked the guard standing right side of me and pushed him down. I started to run at once.

I saw a lot of guards standing in front of the office building and I took a turn jumped down the window behind. Then started to run again.

No one can beat Bella. No one. I smiled widely. I took another turn and it was a quite busy road. But which road is this!!! Bella!!! You lost your way, moron girl!!! Now what!!!

I stopped and tried to find out any shop or restaurant so that I can find out the road's name. I was about to walk again I suddenly found someone holding my wrist tightly. I thought it's Alan. I turned in horror. But my mood turned terribly off seeing that stupid whom I met the first time I came here in Greece. Stupid was giving me a lecture.

" Leave my hand at once." I pulled away my hand from him.

" Wow!!! Feisty. I like angry girls." He said. How I wished to chop him at once.

" I don't have time now otherwise I would've told you with whom you are messing right now.

" With you." Idiot said.

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