Failed Again!!!

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Isabella's POV

I was shocked when my plan failed terribly and it turned messed again. I mean I was about to make things right but all got messed up again. I can't think straight. We were sitting in the marriage registration office. Why? Cause, Ellie got married. Don't trust me? I swear she has. How?! Well, my plan failed like always.

Alright, my plan was absurd. I was shocked when Steffan dragged Ellie out of house and forced her to marry him. I know it was stupid but see it worked. No one hear out Ellie when she said she wants a proper marriage not like this. But it seems to have no affect on them. They promised her to give her a grand reception but I was just wondering why I always make absurd plans???

" What just happened?!" I asked myself.

" I think Ellie got married." I turned my head only to see Alan sitting beside me. I knew he was going to spoil my mood then. I sighed.

" You are such a mood spoiler, Alan." I said.

" Yeah, we can see that. Say something new and our mood is already spoiled what will he do more." Tasha said.

" It's not hard to guess whose plan was it, right?" Alan said and my eyes open wide. I gulped and he just smirked evilly.

" Not mine." I said like a stupid.

" Who told it's yours plan? Why will you give an absurd plan to Ellie?" Alan asked. I gulped.

" Will you both please stop, I am having headache now." Tasha scolded us both. I was about to say something back but I heard Edwin then.

" Let's go. We are going to home now all formalities have done here." He said.

" Yeah, let's go." Tasha said.

" What!!? I thought you will tell me let's get married too?" Edwin asked.

" What!!! You are supposed to ask me that not me." Stella said.

" Geez, babe. Was joking." He said.

" I wasn't serious either." Tasha said and we got out of marriage registration office.

" Wow, nice fight." Alan said when we were afar from them near the corridor.

" Why are you so happy?" I asked him.

" Just like that." He said.

" Weird guy." I said rolling my eyes.

"Let's get married." Alan told me.

" What?!" I was shocked.

" Don't you want to marry me?" He asked.

How can he joke about a thing like this!!! Marriage is not a game. It's a thing which is pure and everyone should respect it. But he is saying like it's nothing to him. I know that I don't have anyone behind me but that doesn't mean he can insult me like this. Hate you Alan Christos.

" No." I said with a straight face.

" Why not?" He asked.

" Cause, I hate you." I said and he looked at me amusingly.

" Really, Bella? You hate me?" He asked smirkingly.

" Why are you smirking?! It's truth." I said trying to be brave.

" Cause, you are lying." He said.

" I am not." I said.

" Yes, you are." He said.

" Confidence enough?! But answer is no." I said.

" I am confidence cause I know the truth, Bella." He said to me and deeply looked into my eyes. How does he know?!

Have you ever unconsciously confess my feelings to him!!! Have you Bella?! Think, think, think you crazy head. I was thinking. Have I or have I not? Have I or have I not? Have I or have I not?

" I will take that as a 'yes'." He said to bring me back to the reality.

" What 'yes'?" I asked shockingly and he pulled me towards him then wrapped his arm around my waist. He leaned on my ear.

" That you will marry me." He said more like whispered and then went back for seeing my expression.

" Never ever." I said though I wanted to say 'yes' so bad but no I won't now.

I won't let anyone think like I am only after his money while I am not. I want to make my own identity. Then I can stand beside him without having ugly words that people throws. I don't care about money but I feel safe and peace around him. If that's what calls love then yes I do love Alan Christos and I am not ashamed of admitting that which is truth. I don't know if I can hide it long or not. But I respect my feelings so I don't want people throw ugly names to my pure feelings. That's why no confessing now. Sorry Alan you have to take 'no' for now.

" I refuse to take 'no'." He said.

" Take it cause it's the truth only." I said.

" You know what, Bella? Don't lie to me. I don't like liars but I like you." He said.

" I know you like me." I rolled my eyes.

" What's about that sarcasm here?" He asked.

" Everything. You think I am going to believe your stupid talks?! Why do you like a trouble maker like me?" I asked.

" I don't know. But I like you." He said.

" Well, that's not a reason, Alan. That's mean you don't like me it's  just an attraction." I said trying to get out of his tight hold.

" Don't lecture me about love and attraction. I know the difference between them." He said and paused then leaned over me I moved back. "very well." He completed.

" Leave me now, Alan. I am tired fighting with you. You are always you, what can I do with that?" I asked.

" You don't have to do anything." He said and hold my hand leaving my waist. He pulled me with him downstairs.

We reached others I tried to act normal but my brain was still processing what happened earlier!!!! I wish it was real and I could say 'yes'. I sighed. I walked to the car and found Ellie sitting in the car. I was surprised. Wasn't she supposed to leave with her husband?! But she was too stubborn to go. She wants to have a proper reception then she will leave. I smiled.

But above all my wicked plan failed again but it wasn't that bad either.

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