My Bella

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Alan's POV

" She reached Greece safely?" I asked Norman.

" Yes, she told me to tell you to call her. She wants to talk with you." He said.

" Ok." I said. I know she will say sorry for everything. But sorry is not the thing I need it's her whom I need.

" Please, call her before she kills me cause she threatened me about this." He said.

" I will talk to her later. Don't worry." I said.

" How was the conference?" He asked.

" It was good." I said.

" Coming back tomorrow?" He asked.

" Don't know, maybe. Maybe not. Need a refreshment." I said honestly.

" Suddenly what happened?! Is everything ok between you and Bella?" He asked.

" Yes, we are fine." I lied. Maybe she is fine but I am devastated without her.

" Then you should take her with you too. You know you would be enjoying more. Women has special power in them to make you feel loved." He said.

" I think I was wrong to let you have 7 days leave with your wife. You are talking in Alien's language now." I said and he laughed.

" Alright, get married. I will see you in which language you talk in." He said.

" Well, talk in my language now. Has she gone somewhere today?" I asked.

" Yes." He said.

" Where?" I asked.

" Your house to meet your mom." He said. To meet my mom!!!! Now I got it how mom knew everything happened in NYC. I sighed. Mom, you don't know the real reason. I lost my everything. I don't want to make it awkward between me and Bella. I don't want to.

" My mom?!" I asked more like questioned myself.

" Yes." He said.

" Then she gone back?" I asked.

" What will she do in your house?" He asked.

" Alright. Ok." I said. " Talk to you later.

" Ok, bye." He said.

" Bye." I said and hung up.

I looked at outside it was a very boring day for me. I walked out from my room and at the same time I saw my dad coming out of his room.

" Good morning, dad." I said.

" Good morning, son." He said.

" Where are you going, dad?" I asked.

" Breakfast. Will you join me?" He asked.

" Yes, sure. When is the board meeting?" I asked.

" In 3 hours." He said. " Have you done with the presentation?" He asked.

" Ok, dad. Have you anything to add in it?" I asked.

" No, just check it again before the conference." He said and I nodded.

We got a table and ordered. Our order came and silently I was eating with my dad. People says we are 99.99% same. I think we are really same. Cause , we are exactly same in our nature. I got all my distinct nature from my dad.

I was taking my breakfast and suddenly a face came in front of my eyes I shook my head what is she doing here!!! She smiled and winked at me. It's happening a lot with me from past few days. But I know she is just my imagination, she is not true. What will she do here?

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