Not The Same

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Isabella's POV

" Alan, why are you glaring at me like this?" I asked looking anywhere but him.

" Oh, don't you know?" He asked.

" No, I don't." I lied.

" Well, what was that, Bella?" He asked.

" What was what?" I acted innocent.

" Would you please try not to pretend with me? Bella, I am not in a mood of joking with you." He said which made me gulp in fear. I was not able to look at him. I know he was burning with anger. He is going to kill me if I joke around with him anymore like this and make him more irritated.

" I uhhh....ok. I know. I am sorry." I said closing my eyes tightly.

" Sorry!!! You are sorry?! Why are you sorry, Bella? You should be rewarded. You did a very very heroic act. Big hands for your success." He said and clapped his hand.

" Really?" I opened my eyes and looked at him.

" Shut up." He growled.

" Ok, ok. Calm down." I said.

" Are you really mad, Bella?" He asked.

" No, I have no mental history. I am perfectly fine." I said.

" I think you have some mental issues by birth." He said and I twisted my lips in disappointment.

" Don't give me this look." He said and glared again.

" What will I do then?" I asked.

" Do nothing. Urrrghh, are you always this crazy?" He asked me holding my arms. As soon as he hold my arms I whimpered and found some scratches on my elbow and arms. Alan followed my gaze and his eyes went wide. He removed his hands from me and started to check my arms then he made me sit down on the couch and examined my knees. He gave me a death glare.

" Look what you have done to yourself?" He said checking my knees they have big scratches.

" I ... I ..." I tried to explain.

" Shut up, just shut up, Bella. Don't try to move I will be back." He said and went inside then came back in a while with medical kit. He knelt in front of me and started to clean and treat the scratches.

" I am fine, ouch. No need to apply this stupid thing. Move it away." I said whimpering as it was burning there.

" Do not talk." He glared at me.

" You are acting too much, Alan. It's not a serious thing." I said.

" Don't teach me, just shut your mouth." He said and I kept quite.

" And why are you wearing shorts in this cold day? Do you want to catch cold? Want to fall ill? I swear, Bella. Where is your common sense? Did you kicked them out?" He said coldly.

" No, need to be this cold, Alan. I know I did it wrong but will you please talk a bit normally? Your cold voice is not the thing I wish from you. Don't talk to me like this." I said. He closed his eyes took a deep breath and then opened his eyes. He looked at me a bit softly.

" Bella, there is stairs, do you have to climb all the way like monkey? Can't you climb the stairs?" He asked softly.

" I was just experimenting." I said.

" This is not a thing to experiment. What if you slipped and broke your bones?" He asked.

" Then you would help me, you would feed me, carry me everywhere and more. Should I elaborate?" I said and winked at him. " After all you are my husband to be." I said mischievously. He shook his head and sighed big time looking at my expression.

" Can you ever be serious about something?" He asked.

" I am damn serious, I will marry you only. Then you are my husband to be." I said.

" Alright, as you are my wife to be I ban on all of your idiotic works." He said.

" You can't do this to me, Alan." I said.

" I can, you forgot who am I?" He asked. Urrrghh... Full of himself.

" No, I haven't forgotten. You are my boss." I said.

" No, I am your husband to be. You even kissed me." He said and smirked. Suddenly I got an evil idea to irritate him to the fullest. I smirked inwardly.

" Oh, it's all about the kiss?" I asked. He narrowed his eyes at me.

" What's going on in your evil head?" He asked.

" Nothing just was thinking about kisses." I said and smirked more.

" You only kissed once. How come kisses?" He asked.

" Oh, do you think it was my first kiss?!" I asked mischievously.

" Wasn't it?" He asked narrowing his eyes at me.

" No, not at all." I lied and I was laughing like a mad woman inwardly. I watched his expression changed from cold to extreme rage. I gulped. Is my innocent prank make me got into trouble now? I looked at him. He was looking at me like he was controlling hard on his anger.

" Whom did you kissed before me?" He asked gritting his teeth.

" Umm, why should I tell that? It was my past." I said gathering my remaining courage.

" Look, Bella. I am not joking around. Tell me what I have asked straight or else I can make you answer them." He said in a dangerous tone.

" Umm, let me count." I said.

" Count? How many people have you kissed?" He asked.

" Ummm, 5." I said.

" 5!!!! Are you kidding me? Who are they?" He asked.

" My mom, my dad, my sister Aurora, my best friend Maddie and Angelica." I said and smirked. His face expression changed anger to surprised to irritated.

" Really? I asked you about kiss a real one, Bella. Not that one you are referring." He said.

" Well, if you are referring that one then you are the first one to have a kiss from this lips." I said and pointed my lips. He smirked.

" So bad, love. Don't irritate me like that again. I was about to kill all of them whom you have kissed. Already made the plans." He said and I sighed. What a possessive guy I got!!!

" Remember one thing, Bella. The angry Alan and normal Alan is not the same. Don't make me angry with your stupid lies ever." He said and again started to treat my left knee which was still to treat.

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