Live Present and Make Future

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Alan's POV

" Yes, Nolan. Send it to me." I said while walking out of my room.

" I will. Bye the way, how is your Bella?" He asked.

"How has she been mine?" I asked

" Oh, stop pretending Alan. You no need to pretend with me." He said.

" Why do you think I am pretending?" I asked and the same time I reached the balcony and found the girls playing badminton. Like seriously!!! In this snowing!!! Please?!!

I saw Tasha and Ellie playing but where is Bella? I was searching for her but there was no sign of her. I looked around and found her talking with Ellie's friend Marcos. I frowned. This guy is coming a lot these days and talking with Bella. I dialed Bella's number. But she saw it and pressed the red button and continued talking with Marcos. I  clenched my fist. Then tried again but she again did the same. Isabella Stratton!!! I walked downstairs and reached the girls.

" Hello, Girls!!!" I said.

" Hi, Kiddo." Ellie said.

" By the way, you should be 3. No? Where is the one missing?" I asked.

" She was talking with Marcos. There she is." Ellie said.

" Oh, thank you." I said and walked towards Bella who was engrossed in talking with Marcos.

" Hello, Bella." I called her and she turned to me in horror. I crossed my arms over my chest. She looked at her phone then again at me and gulped. I narrowed my eyes at her.

" Oh, H..hi..hi Alan." She said.

" What happened with your phone?" I asked completely ignoring Marcos.

" nothing. Why?" She asked innocently.

" Oh, really?" I asked.

" I mean I ...Uhhhh..." she said.

" Come with me." I said.

" Bye, Marcos. Talk to you later." I said.

" Bye, Beautiful." He said to Bella and winked. I felt to punch his face hard. But She giggled.

" Come fast. I don't repeat myself." I said and hold her and pulled her towards me and wrapped my arm around her waist just to let that stupid know whom does Bella belongs to and who should talk to her like that. He can't call her beautiful only I can. I glared hard at him. He gulped and left.

" Leave me, Alan." Bella said and I glared at her too.

" Why did you cut my call?" I asked.

" I was busy." She said.

" Yeah, I can see." I said.

" What's your problem?" She asked.

" Shouldn't I ask that to you?" I asked.

" What?" She asked. I pulled her with me and caged her between the wall and me.

" Can't you fell that he was flirting with you?" I asked.

" No, we were just talking." She said.

" Yeah, you were talking but he was drooling over you." I said.

" You think too much, Alan." She said.

" I think the right thing. I am telling you Bella that if I find you talking with him, God help it won't be good for both of you." I said being dangerously close to her that I could see those dark blue orbs so close to me.

" It's my life, my wish. Besides, you too talk with Kendra. Have I said anything about that?" She asked to make me confused. From where Kendra came in this topic?

" Kendra?! She is my childhood friend. We attended school, college and university together. Nothing more than that. Don't think too much." I said.

" I don't care. Why are you talking about her with me?" She asked.

" Shut up, Bella. Do as I said. You don't have any idea how world can be dangerous." I said.

" Then let me experience it. I want to know." She said.

" No, Bella." I shook my head. Hailey was enough losing from my life. Not her. Not at all.

" Why not Alan?" I asked.

" No, I won't let you." I said.

" Alan, don't be crazy." She said.

" I am crazy. But you will stay away from him." I said. She sighed.

" Is that clear, Bella?" I asked.

" No." She said and I glared at her.

" Don't enraged me, Bella I am a hell scary person when I am enraged." I said to her directly looking at her eyes from so close.

" Alan, don't order around me." She said.

" Of course, I will. Who is the boss?" I said.

" Urrrghh, hell with you." She said.

" Ok, hell with me. So?" I asked.

" Why are you so annoying?" She asked.

" I was born like this. Can't help." I said

" Tell me why did you call me?" She asked.

" I forgot." I said.

" What kind of joke is this?" She stomped her feet.

" Aunty told me that you applied for University?" I asked.

" Yes, I did." She said curiously.

" They selected you. They want to talk with you. You can make a video call as you are here." I said.

" How do you know that!?" She asked.

" What do you think? I am Alan Christos." I said. Actually, my grandma is a member of managing committee of University board. She told me that.

" You are so full of yourself." She said and I laughed.

" Don't laugh." She said crossing her arms over her chest.

" Why not!?" I asked but she didn't answer just looked away.

" You are so so so annoying sometimes." Bella said. " Some time you are nice."

" Nice? Me!!! I didn't know you think like this about me." I said to her.

" Actually, no one ever cared for me like this after my mom's death. I always have seen people only hurt me, tried to use me but never loved or cared for me as a human." She said.

" Forget those things." I said as I knew this made her upset again.

" Thank you, Alan." She said.

" No need to say thank you to me." I said.

" I feel like I need to be alive cause there is someone who cares for me, there is someone who will care for me." She said and I pulled her in a tight hug.

" Forget the past, Bella. Let's live present and make a future." I said but she didn't answer just hugged me back.

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