Let's Get Married

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Alan's POV

She was silent. Like all the time she keeps talking and whining but no she was doing nothing like that. She was all quiet. She didn't even wear the dress I gifted her this morning. She was staring blankly at the street. I was getting scared now  cause I knew what happened with her!!!

" Are you alright, love?" I asked her to start a conversation and try to make things ok.

" Love!!!" She smiled dryly. "Yeah, I am ok." She said bitterly. Now it was scaring me. I stopped the car.

" What happened, Bella? You are not looking like you are ok. Can you please tell me what happened?! You are scaring me." I said.

" Oh, really, Alan!! Do you care?" she asked with teary eyes. What!! What took into her thinking like that!!! I do care about her. I do care about her as much as I care about my mom and she has a doubt on my love?!

" Why do you think I don't?" I asked.

" I don't know. I just told like that. Now start the car. Let's have dinner. I am starving." She said.

" Why didn't you take lunch properly?" I asked.

" It's long since I have it." She said.

" But why are you silent?" I asked.

" Silence is the best way to absorb pains." She said. What!!!This all happened for my foolishness. If only I had told her everything that day!!

" Bella!! What happened?" I asked.

" Nothing happened. What will happen?" She asked back.

" You are not behaving normal. What happened?" I asked.

" Did anyone tell you that you are a very good actor, Alan?" She told me.

" What!!! What was that for?!" I asked.

" What do you mean by what was that for, Alan?" She asked me back.

" Bella, just what is going on in your mind?" I asked.

" Who is the girl?" She asked.

" Which girl?!" I asked surprisingly.

" The girl whom you love truthfully. How can she share you with me?" She asked making my eyes open wide.

" Bella, talk sense." I said frustratedly.

" I am talking sense only." She said.

" You are not." She said crossing her arms over her chest.

" Make scenes clear between us, Bella." I said.

" Let's go back home, Alan. I am in no mood of going on a date or fighting with you." She said.

" You have to make things clear which you made very messed. We are not going anywhere, until we are done." I said.

" I don't want to talk about anything now." She said.

" But I want to hear what my fault is." I said.

" No fault of yours. It's all mine and I will make it right. Don't worry." She said and leaned back closing her eyes.

I sighed. I didn't force her to say something. I know the reason I guess. I was going to bang my head somewhere today if Norman didn't stop me when he told me Bella met her parents this afternoon and was very upset. I know they told her everything and messed with her brain completely. I sighed and drove back to Aunty's house to drop her. None of us talked. There was a complete silence. Neither she talked nor me. We reached and I stopped the car there.

" We are here." I said. She immediately walked out.

" Thank you for everything." She said and walked in the house. I knew what she was up to.

No, there is no way she is doing that. I am not letting her. Once was enough away from her. It won't be good for me at all. I drove away to my office and called my men to block the way out of the house then reached again out of the house without her knowledge. No way you are able to leave me.

Isabella's POV

" Hey, Sweetheart!!! How was the date?" Aunty asked.

" It was good, going to sleep, aunty. Good night." I said and climbed upstairs.

No one is here whom I can trust. Everyone lied to me. I shouldn't have trusted anyone. I hate myself. I am a fool. I feel so cheap about myself. There is no way to out. I got into trap. I don't know who is right and who is wrong but only thing I knew that my heart has broken into million of pieces. I don't want to stay here anymore. I want to run away far from here where I will find peace living alone. Enough being happy with fake people. I took my luggage and shove my stuffs inside it without bothering to arrange them. I just wanted to go out of here.

I took my luggage which was half closed. Yeah, I couldn't close that properly. But who cares about that. I came downstairs without anyone knowing. It was midnight and everyone must be sleeping. I left my phone at my room. No one can trace me. I silently opened the door and got out of the house with my vast luggage. I was struggling with that.

" Need some help, love?" That voice made me stopped at once. I felt my blood in my veins were frozen.

" No, I don't." I said pushing the luggage inside the house trying to get inside house and hide at once before he catches me up. But was there a single time when I could escape from him!!! When I was about to get inside but he caught my wrists pulled me closer.

" Where do you think you are going, love?" He asked and I gulped. But I hold back.

" Running away again. I am don't want to live here where people want to use me to destroy one another." I said bravely.

" Do you think you can leave?! Like seriously, love?" He asked with an amusing expression.

" I don't want to live here. You hide things from me." I said and cried. Then he hugged me tightly. I didn't hugged him back but I kept feeling him to calm myself down.

" No, love. Trust me. I didn't hide intentionally. I first wanted to hide it cause, I thought you will leave me and kick me out of your life. But then I thought if you come to know from anyone else it will hurt you too." He said.

" Then why didn't you tell me?" I asked.

" I came to tell you that day but when I reach here you were already fainted. I needed to take you to the hospital." He said.

Oh, that day!!! I told myself.

" Why didn't you tried to tell me later?" I asked.

" I was scared that you will leave me." He said.

" I am leaving you now anyways. I can't live here like a fake couple." I tried to drag out my luggage.

" Why are you doing this, love? You know you can't go." He said.

" I can't live with fear, scar, doubt and insecurities." I said and was dragging the luggage out.

" Let's get married this Sunday" He said and I was too shocked to reach. I turned to him in horror.

" What!!!" I said.

" Yes, let's." He said and pressed his lips on mine. I was still processing the sentence he has said a while ago.

" Be ready to get married. Let's shopping and arrange other things. I will call my cousins." He said.

" Are you serious?" I asked.

" 1000%" he said.

" I am not marrying you." I said after gathering a bit courage.

" I didn't give you an option to say no." He said.

" What are you up to ?" I asked him and he sighed

" It's not me who is up to something. It's them." He said and dragged me inside and took upstairs in my room.

" Sleep don't think too much. We will buy your wedding dress tomorrow." He said and I sighed.

God!!! Make it right. Please!!!!

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