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Electra Palace Athens
7:00 PM
Room - 607

" We are wasting time, she won't come." Her husband told her.

" She will just keep quiet." She said and smirked.

" How are you so sure that she will do it for us?" He said.

" She will I have some fake papers against the Christos. She will not understand that. Don't worry and Aurora is a good trap for her." She said like a witch.

" I know it's not at all right " He said.

" It's 100% right for us. Do you want to drown? Using Isabella is the right choice. Only she can take all money from Christos. I wonder how this little minx made Christos heir lure around her finger?!!! But not bad it will help us. That stupid Annie was stupid enough but she produce a very brilliant head. I have to admit."  She snarled.

" Don't you dare to bring Annie I this. She did nothing to you. Stay out of her matter." He gritted his teeth.

" Oh, lover boy. Are you still in love with that ugly lady?" She asked.

" Shut your mouth. Dare you utter a single word about Annie. It won't be good for you." He clutched her throat. " Don't drag her here." He left her with a forceful push back.

" You will regret it, Gabriel. You will regret it. Don't forget, I still have Aurora. You know exactly what I can do with her if you go out of your line. It won't take a single moment for me to sell her in black Mart and you know it very well what will happen with her after that. You know I can cell her in very high rate. After all she got my sister's Beauty. What a beautiful lady she was!!!" She smirked.

" Stay out of my daughter. Only doing this for Aurora. Otherwise, I would have killed you that day you killed her mother." He said.

" You know, I was jealous when you married her. I was more beautiful than her. You should marry me not her. So, I got this plan. No worries, I won't kill her or sell her that early I have other plans with her. It will be great to break your daughters." She said.

" What have my daughters ever done to you?" He asked.

" I hate both of their mothers. They destroyed my life. So, it's my revenge on them. These innocent souls have to pay for which their mothers did." She said and gritted.

" They did nothing wrong. You were the one who stole the money from Christos." He said."and you involved me in it. Annie and Catherine was just exposed you. They were right in their own ways. You were the one who was in fault. And now you stole your sister's name her position everything. You killed her too." He said.

" I had a big dream and I needed money that time." She said.

" You should've worked hard to earn it." He said.

" Why will I work hard when stealing is easier way to get money?" She asked.

" You are an evil." He said.

" Yeah, I agree." She said.

" God will never ever forgave you, Abigail." He said.

" Don't call me with my real name. I forget it long back." She said.

" You stole everything from your sister. Don't you regret? Don't you have fear of God?" He asked.

" God!!! I don't believe in these kind of things." She said and laughed.

" Mr. Stratton, your luggage?" Someone told him.

" Keep it inside and get out." Catherine said.

" Yes, ma'am." He said and gulped then got out quickly. She closed the door right away.

" So, what do you want now, Gabriel? You have to destroy one of your daughter to save another. Go, make Isabella marry Heather and save ourselves from drowning and save Aurora from selling out in the Black Mart or let Isabella live happily and let Aurora sell out in a high price in Black Mart." She said. He didn't say anything. He was standing in front of the window looking at the busy city of Athens. His right hand was fisting rested over the window. Another was inside his pocket. He ran his fingers through his hair.

He was helpless father. He has to take a decision. He couldn't let his daughters suffer. This lady has done enough. But it wasn't easy for him. He loved both of his daughters a lot but they hated him with all their heart he knew it very well.

" You know, Gabriel. You were my ultimate crush. I always wanted you. But it was my bad luck. I never got you. I didn't got you and I didn't let anyone get you. Seeing these two daughters of yours I get remind that I failed to get you. I don't want them live happily. I want to destroy them too like their mothers destroyed me and my dreams." She said.

" First of all, I hate you with all of me. I never thought you will be like this. I really hate for being this helpless. If only Catherine didn't took that promise from me I would have killed you long back. I curse myself for this. If only I had killed you in first place Abigail, I wasn't been facing this kind of problems now. My daughters would be happily living their lives. You destroy the peace of my life. You are a cursed witch." He said gritting.

" Don't raise your voice or else you know the consequences." She said. " Why did you rejected me in the first place? What did that Annie had that I didn't?" She asked.

" You want to know what!!! Well, listen then. She had a pure and innocent soul. Her heart was like a crystal not like you dark and sinful. How can you imagine that I would choose you over her?" He said.

" I should've killed her first." She said.

" Well, your bad luck you didn't." He said.

He was hating himself now. He can't even kill himself. He tried so many times but his  daughters faces came in front of his eyes stopping  him pulling the trigger. He knew he has to live some more years just for his daughters. When Aurora is 18 they won't be needing him anymore. He can finish his chapter then.

" Why did you marry my sister then?" She asked.

" Cause, my daughter needed a mother back then. She was very young to handle herself." He said.

" And you thought Catherine was the right one?" She asked.

" At least she didn't tortured my daughter like you did." He said.

" I wish I could kill these two too. But there is no fun killing at once. I will love to see them being destroyed slowly. It will make my revenge complete. Now tell me whom had you chosen to get destroyed first. Isabella or Aurora?" She asked.

" No one." He said.

" So, bad. You have to choose one, honey." She said.

" I don't want to. Please, let them live peacefully. They are totally unknown about this thing. Your enimty is with me. Kill me, destroy me. But leave my daughters." He said more like begged.

" I wanted to see this, Gabriel. I wanted to see this. But I am not kind person. I am cruel. You have to choose one or else I will destroy both of them together." She said.

" No, don't hurt them." He said.

" Choose one." She said.

" Spare Aurora she is a kid." He said and sighed. He didn't know what to say but this came out of his mouth automatically.

' I am sorry, Bella. Really, really sorry.' he said in his mind. ' I will find out a way I will. I promise.'

" Great, then let's destroy Isabella first and you are right, let Aurora grown up she can attract people more than Isabella." She said.

" Shut your stupid mouth before I make you shut forever." He said.

" If you do that you will never know where Aurora is." She smirked.

" If something happens to her, you can't even imagine how many slice I will do of your body." He said.

" Relax. I don't have any intention too. My target is Isabella this time." She said.

He sighed. He has to make it done or else she can kill Aurora. She is not joking around with him. Not at all. He knew it very well.

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