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Isabella's POV

" Stella, get ready soon. Why are you getting late, girl?" Tasha whined.

" I am still not done with my make up." She said.

" Still not done?!!!" I asked.

" No, am I looking pretty?" She asked.

" You are looking prettiest like an angel walk down from heaven." I said honestly.

" Yes, you are looking very very gorgeous." Tasha said and smiled at her.

" Stella, you are next. " I heard Reiley saying.

" Yes, I am ready. It's not my first time, girl." Stella said.

" Are you the Show Stopper?" I asked Stella.

" Yeah, I am." She said and smiled at me.

" Go, go, she will whine again." I said and she smiled again and left with Reily.

" You saw Stella's smile?" I asked Tasha.

" Yeah, very beautiful one." I said." Has Flynn too come?" I asked.

" He told me he will come but till now he didn't show up." She said.

" What's wrong with your brother, Tasha?" I asked.

" I don't know. He is stupid." Tasha said.

" Tasha, he will regret if he let her go." I said looking at the smiling face of Stella.

How I love this face of her. I don't want her see heart broken. I don't know which disaster she will face if he rejects her. She won't be able to bear it. I thought. He should understand that thing.

" He says that he doesn't want to involve her in his already messed up life. " Tasha said and I looked at her weirdly.

" Already messed up?" I asked.

" The fact is, he is scared of losing her." Tasha said.

" Losing her?!" I said.

" Yes, you know rivals are around. I don't know what happened but he is hell scared. Like someone is chasing him. You know, I asked him several times but he ignored it." He said.

" Ignored!!! Can he hide his eyes!!! They are always following every steps of hers. They are begging to have her but he is denying. Should I bang my head somewhere?" I asked.

" I don't know, Bella. But I sometimes think like he is so alone even there are everyone around him." Tasha said.

" Look, Tasha. He is a responsible person. I know he loves his siblings a lot. He wants to take care of them by himself. But there will be a time when they will be grown up, they will have their own life too, they will be settled down. Then what will he do!!! He will remain alone still then. So, he needs someone who will help him, to hold him, to stay with him. There is no way he is going to live happily alone. It make no sense." I said.

" Alright, we know it's wrong, which he is thinking is absurd but who will make him realize that thing!!! Who will make her realize that he shouldn't do such thing which will not only hurt her but also him. Who will do that?" Tasha asked.

" Stella herself." I said.

" What?" Tasha asked.

" Stella herself will do it, she will make him realize that she is not going to be easily get going. All we have to do is ignite her time to time whenever he discourages her. They needs to be together." I said.

" Ignite her? But how?" Tasha asked.

" We just need to inspire her that she is Stella, she can't lose. She was a champion then, she is a champion now and she will be a champion forever." I smiled.

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