The Unexpected.

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  • Věnováno Ryara 2-15-14

This is Not a fan fiction, but the events that occurred/occurs seems like one to me. This is a story. Not just any story. but my story. No scratch that... this is our story. And by us your probably thinking, us? Well one of the two of us, is me. Cieara. Last name confidential. But may or may not be revealed later into the story. But the other one who makes this story possible is the one and only Ryan. I'm kinda cheesy, but when you read this your going to be like, 'Wow, this guy is reeeaaallly cheesy its super cute.' But these are real life events that has and are occurring till this day. Your probably wondering why I'm even writing a story about my relationship? Well I'll more than gladly to answer that for you. Well last week,(April 6th, 2014)me and Ryan were talking on the phone. It had to be at least around four in the morning, and Paige (my best friend), brought up my fan fiction that I read and write. And I admit. I read and write smut... but then again who doesn't? He asked me,'Babe,so do you like ever write fan fic, with regular people? You know normal ones like me and you?' I told him no, that I've never given it a thought. Well I have lately and this is it. This 'fan fic' or what ever you want to call it is for you. Like a dedication in a way(:

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