Chapter 3

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A/N- Sorry this is a really short chapter

~Scott POV~

I am waking to Jazzy's apartment. I am super angry. She and I have been texting for like, a week now. Doesn't that mean we are practically together? I mean, I asked to get back together, but she didn't say no exactly. (A/N did y'all catch that reference?) Then she just simply moves on without a care. And she moves on to who? WHO? ANTHONY RAMOS!!! THAT'S WHO SHE MOVED ON TO!!!! IS HE BETTER THAN ME OR SOMETHING??!! That girl needs better judgement. Well I'm getting closer to her apartment. She better be there or Anthony is gonna get it. I'm fully blaming him. He stole Jazzy from me. As I'm nearing her door I see a paper on the door. OUT OF TOWN!! If she's with Anthony, oooh he's gonna get it! In case she's faking I'm coming back later.


~Jasmine POV~

Its about 3:00 PM. It has been five hours since Scott was supposedly at my apartment. Ant and I are headed back to our apartments to get ready for the show. We might still stay at someone's house for a little while. Probably Renée's. We first went to Ant's apartment for him to grab his things We told Renée to come to my apartment after we go to Ant's-just in case. After Ant's apartment we have a five minute walk across the building. Ant looks scared. "Ant, what's wrong?" I ask gently. What he says back makes my blood run cold.

"What if he comes back?" He says, his voice barely audible. I haven't thought about that. Oh no.

"Everything will be fine, Ant. We're going to be okay." I say half comforting him, half calming myself down. But little did I know, my world was about to shatter.

(A/N I was gonna stop the chapter here and have the rest of the pre-written chapter 3 be chapter 4, but 1; that would be cruel, and 2; this chapter is way too short to do that.)


~Anthony POV~

We walked into Jazzy's apartment a little cautiously, but everything was normal. We locked the door though, just in case. We'll unlock it when Renée gets here. Once Jas got all her stuff ready, we just sat on her couch watching something on TV and talking. But Jas fell asleep pretty quickly, because she barely slept at all last night, she was worried all night. She asked me if I would protect her if she fell asleep, and I said yes. She laid her head on my chest and was out in seconds. She was safe on my watch. Renée would be here any minute. I just sat there with Jas on my lap, admiring how beautiful she was when there was a knock at the door. Jazzy woke up to that. She sat up and rubbed her eyes.

"That's Renée. Can you go open the door?" She asked.

"Sure." I said as I got up and she pulled her legs up on the couch. Carelessly I opened the door to greet Renée. But a man with a hood pulled over his face opens the door. Before I could get a good look at him, he punched me square in the face. That's when I hear Jazzy scream and everything goes black.


515 words-excluding all A/Ns

30. Whole. Reads. And. 2. Votes. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ACTUALLY READING MY STORY!!!! (And voting) I actually thought I would post this and it would get o no reads for a month or so, let alone a week. But it's been up for 30-ish hours and has 30 reads!!! I don't really know what y'all think of my writing skills,or the story line, but I appreciate the fact that you're actually reading my work!! I am so inspired by writers on here who write books like this, and do a really good job. And writers who write any kinds of books in general. Thank you all for inspiring me. Thank you for reading. I will update hopefully multiple times a week, but if not, on Saturdays. I will also let you know if I am going to be absent from writing prior to the absence. I sound way too professional there. 😂😂 Thank you guys a million times, and I hope to see you later in the comments or something! Thanks again!


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