Chapter 7

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(A/N This chapter was prewritten, but I've been listening to Blackout from In The Heights, and I really wanted to do a chapter inspired by it, so this chapter will be kind of inspired by Blackout. Also, it's set one month later than the last chapter)

~Jasmine POV~

Today we are headed to Ant's doctor to see if he can get his cast off. We walk into the building semi-hand in hand, because of his crutches, I'm holding on to his arm. Close enough though. After sitting in the waiting room for what seemed like forever, but was actually only five minutes, a doctor came out.

"Is there an Anthony Ramos here?" He asked, and Ant hobbled up, I followed close behind.

"That's me." (OH THE REFERENCES) Ant said, raising his hand up a bit.

"Okay. First, we'll x-ray, then take it from there depending on the results." Ant nods. I quick peck him on the cheek as he goes back for x-rays. Then I wait. Twenty. Whole. Minutes. Pure torture. Finally, The doctor walk back out and motions me to come back. I follow him back to a small room. Anthony is sitting on a table. Without a cast!

"Guess what, baby girl? My leg is as good as new!" He says excitedly, with sparkling hazel eyes. (A/N yes I looked up his eye color) He is so adorable. I can't get over how much I love this man(child).

"Well, you are free to leave whenever." The doctor says. "And he might have to get used to walking again, but he should be okay." We thank the doctor and walk out. Once we get in the car, Ant kisses me.

"Okay. I don't know why you did that, but thank you." I laugh. He just smiles.

"Uh hey Jas?" He asks, kind of hesitantly

"Yes?" This feels like him telling me he loves me the first time all over again.

"I know this might be early, but do you want to move in with me?" He asks, blushing.

"Ant, I'd love to!" I replied excitedly. I lean over and quick peck him on the lips. "I love you." I say.

"Love you too baby girl." He says. As we make our way to the theater, we talk about apartments and houses. Once we get to the theater, I quick run over to Ant's side of the car to help him out. He almost fell walking out of the doctors office, so I thought it best if I helped him. When we finally get in the building, Ant loses his balance. I try and catch as he falls to the floor, but I failed. Lin rushes over.

"Is he alright? Where are his crutches and cast?"

"Lin, I'm fine. Thanks for your concern. I'm off my crutches and my cast is gone because my leg is fine again. I just have to get used to walking again." Ant replies, standing up.

"Oh! That's great that you're off your crutches!" Lin says, a little too loudly as Pippa runs down the hallway.

"ANTHONY IS OUT OF HIS CRUTCHES!! I REPEAT: THE BABY IS OUT OF HIS CRUTCHES!!" She yells to everyone else in the theater as Lin snakes an arm around her waist and kisses the side of her head.

"Wow, you guys tease us so much about our relationship, but look at you. You guys have the worst control over your PDA." Lin mocks being offended. Over dramatically, may I add. Pippa playfully slaps him for that. He now over dramatically mocks being hurt. Pip scoffs and rolls her eyes.

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