Chapter 49

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~Jasmine POV~
April 21st

This is it! I'm getting married to Anthony today

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This is it! I'm getting married to Anthony today. I can't wait. I love him so much. He's been there for me through everything. When Scott was being a creep, through my ACL injury, through the surgery, through when I had to restitch the injury, through when Pippa got kidnapped, through everything. He's stuck by my side through it all. Lin and Pippa got married a couple weeks ago, and Thayne and Jon are getting married in a couple weeks. Ant and I are in the middle. I haven't seen Anthony in around 24 hours, and I'm getting restless to see him again. The wedding is in an hour. I'm pretty much all ready. I'm not nervous. I'm so excited. Pippa and Renèe are more nervous for this than I am. They are with me right now, getting themselves ready now. Pip, Renee and I are now heading to the venue, which is a church in New York. It's beautiful. I sneak a look through the door, and I can see all the people sitting down. I can see Anthony standing at the alter, waiting for me. He looks nervous, but excited. Lillian has just finished throwing flowers on the aisle while holding Nala's leash, and now the bridesmaids and groomsmen are walking down the aisle. Now its my turn. I've waited for this moment my whole life. The door to the church is opened slowly and everyone stands up. They all turn towards me as I slowly make my way down the aisle. I can see my mom crying. I finally get to Anthony and I grab his shaking hands.

"Calm down." I whisper-laugh to him. He laughs and takes a deep breath. The priest starts talking. Ant and I stare deeply into each other's eyes, pretty much having conversations. We repeat after the priest when we are supposed to. I get lost in Anthony's eyes, and don't even realize the priest is talking. All of a sudden Anthony pulls me into a passionate kiss, and I finally snap back to reality and realize what's going on. I kiss back, and when we pull apart, I'm filled with happiness. I'm married! A huge smile breaks across my face and Anthony's, simultaneously. Anthony unexpectedly swoops me up into his arms and runs out of the church. By the time people start exiting the church, Anthony has made it all the way to the vehicle that's taking us to the reception hall. It's a black car, and of course it says 'just married' on the back window because we are both super cheesy. He helps me inside and climbs in after me. The driver smiles and drives away. I kiss Ant and watch as the world passes by from the windows. I'm lost in my own fantasy, both of us staring into each other's eyes.

-at the reception-

After we get to the reception venue, Anthony and I, along with our wedding party, take a lot of fun pictures. I want to commemorate this day forever. It's been the best day of my life. Anthony picks me up again all the people who took pictures with us run into the reception hall, like children. I laugh as I watch Daveed slip and fall. Anthony just runs around him, almost dropping me. After we get in the door, Anthony puts me down and intertwines my hand with his. I squeeze his hand three times and he smiles at me. I return the smile and kiss him passionately. Everyone in the reception hall applauds. Oak announces us from a speaker system.

"May I present...THE BABY CINNAMON ROLL AND HIS WIFE THE THIRD WHEEL CINNAMON ROLL!" The Hamilton cast all laughs, and everyone else looks confuzzled. I laugh at my mom's confused face. Anthony is laughing really hard. We head to the table we are assigned to, and food is served for everyone. After we all eat, my dad and I dance, and then Ant and I do. He keep saying he can't dance, and I then I step on his foot on purpose in retaliation. After a while, everyone makes their way to the dance floor. I watch, still in Anthony's embrace, as Jonathon wipes out after attempting some crazy dance move with Thayne. He stands up, laughing and Thayne kisses him. They keep dancing crazily. I laugh, and so does Ant. The night is flying by, the best night of my life. The best day of my life. In a few months, it won't be just Anthony and I, they'll be a baby. I'm already three months along. (just go with it) I look towards Daveed and Oak who are way drunk, and are going a little crazy. I think Thayne is keeping Jon away from the alcohol, which is good, but Jon is still crazy. They've both been not drinking for a while, and they've been acting way more mature during the day. It's a little strange, and I don't know why they're being like that, but they must have some reason. Ant and I stop dancing and go around, thanking people for coming and talking to everyone. We spend a lot of time with both sets of parents, who are not only asking questions about the honeymoon, but also about the baby. I'm not showing yet, but everyone knows. My mom and Ant's mom are already super close and my parents and his parents hang out together a lot. Nala is at the wedding too, but Lillian is the one watching her. Nala is on a leash, which Lillian has, but Lin is closely monitoring Lillian, so nothing happens. I watch as one of my cousins, Julian,  try to impress Ariana with a weird flip thing. She laughs and I think they're hitting it off. I gently shake Ant and he looks over, and he covers his mouth with his hand, laughing.

"More than one more wedding is going to happen soon." He laughs. I laugh too, lightly smacking his arm.

"They just met, you creep!" I say. He smiles, and kisses me. The night continues to fly by, and soon, Lillian falls asleep on Lin, and it's past 2:00 AM. Mostly the people with kids leave first, Lin and Pippa, Leslie and his family, Chris and his family, Anthony's sister and her family, as well as a few of his and my cousins and other friends with kids. After that, everything starts to wind down. People leave until it's just Ant and I and our parents. Our parents hug us both and congratulate us before leaving. Ant and I call an uber, and we grab Nala and head home. Once Nala is in her crate, Ant and I get into pajamas and head into our room, but it's our wedding night. We aren't sleeping yet.

1139 words-excluding A/N

Wow. It's been 35 years. And I'm super sorry that it's been so long and that this sucks so much. I just have to squeeze all the weddings in before I start the sequel. But I've been busy, life has kinda been rough, and inspiration has been low, and the little I do have usually sucks or is really slow to write. I'm horrible at this and I feel like I've let you down somehow, and I'm sorry. Like really, really, REALLY sorry. Thanks for sticking with me.


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