Chapter 14

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~Thayne POV~

I can't believe this is happening. Lillian is Lin and Pippa's foster kid. My favorite kid in the world lost her parents at the age of five years old. She's like a little sister to me. If I had known about the crash earlier, I would have tried to find someone to adopt her. I don't have the space, finances, or responsibility to take care of such a young child full time as a parent. As much as I want to, it's not what's best for Lillian. I love Lillian, and I'm so glad Lin and Pippa are fostering her. I need to talk with them. Discuss Lillian and see what they need to know about her. Lin and Pip can take better care of her than I can. I'll be her big brother figure. I live in the same apartment complex as Lin and Pippa, so I can be around. Lillian is lightly whimpering in my arms. We are sitting on a chair in the audience right now. They are rehearsing Your Obedient Servant for the fifth time in a row. Lin looks exhausted. I bet he didn't sleep last night. It's been three days since the people broke into the theater. I wonder if he has slept at all since then. I feel bad for him. He's wearing himself to the ground. I'm honestly kinda scared for him.

"Thayne?" A quiet voice asks.

"What's up Lil?"

"Can we go talk to people?" She asks. She stopped crying and is calm now. I guess she hasn't met the cast yet.

"Of course Lilly-bug!!" I practically (quietly) yell. Lilly-bug is one of my many nicknames for her. She quick zips her bunny back up in her bag and slings the backpack on her shoulder. "Do you want to ride on my back?" I ask. She nods happily. I bend down and she jumps up. I walk around.

"On the left here, we have some lovely chairs. Oh look! There are some more on the right!" I say in a British accent, making Lillian laugh. I love her little laugh. They just took a break from rehearsal so I take Lil on stage.

"Whoa." She says, amazement and wonder on her face.

"I know. It's cool, right?"

"It's so pretty." She says. I set her down and she twirls around and then jumps back up on my back.

"Let's go meet some people." I say. I decide we will tackle ensemble rooms first. We travel to the girls ensemble room. We spend 45 minutes in there. Lillian warms up to most of the girls quickly, especially Carleigh. We head to the boys ensemble room next. We spend around 30 minutes in there and then head off to Ant, Daveed, Oak, and Chris and Jon's rooms. I knock on Ant's door and walk in. Lillian sheepishly waves and smiles.

"Hi Lillian! I'm Anthony, but you can call me Ant." He says happily. Lillian smiles back. Jasmine walks out of the bathroom. Welp. If I had known they were both in here, together, I would have came back later. Oh well.

"I'm Jasmine, but call me Jas or Jazzy." She smiles. Lillian smiles and hugs Jas. They talk for a while, with Ant joining the conversation later. Jas and Ant are so good with her! They have to have kids sometime. After about 20 minutes in there, we head out. We go to Oak and Daveed's shared room. I knock and tell them I have Lillian with me and they turn off their rap music and open the door. Lilly takes one look at Oak and hides behind my legs.

"Awwwww." Daveed laughs.

"Lillian, you don't need to be scared of me." Oak laughs gently. "See?" He says as he hugs me. I hug him back. Daveed leans down to Lillian's level.

"He's really just a big teddy bear." He whispers in her ear. She laughs.

"Okay." She says, still giggling.

"I'm Oak." Oak says. They shake hands then hug. Lillian melts into the hug. She emerges from the hug beaming.

"And I'm Daveed." He and Lillian shake hands. We only spend 10 minutes in there before we head to Jonathan Groff's room. I knock and he yells 'decent' and we walk in. He immediately smiles.

"OOOOOH! LITTLE SMOL BEAN!! I'm Jon!" He chirps. (A/N So I decided that I want Thayne and Groff to be together in this fanfic, soooo yeah) I hug Jon and peck him on the lips. I'm surprised Lin isn't in here. They went on break a while ago. Lilly and Groff shake hands and hug.

"Where's Lin-Man?" I ask. Jon shrugs.

"I dunno. Rehearsing or something." We spend a long time in Jon's room and then we head to the Schuyler sisters' room. We run into Chris in the hallway.

"Hey! Oh, hi little child! I'm Chris!" He shakes her hand and then heads off. We keep going and enter the girls' room. Lillian runs in and hops on Pippa's lap and hugs her.

"Jas, Renée, this is Lillian." Pip says. Lillian hugs them both admins they start talking again. I nod to Pip, who nods back. Those nods meant: 'can she stay in here while I go rehearse?' and 'yes she can.' They need the ensemble for The Room Where It Happens. I have to go rehearse.

~Pippa POV~

Lillian, Jas, Renée and I are hanging out in our dressing room. Lillian has met everyone except Leslie. Leslie has been busy rehearsing all day, and so has Lin. I wasn't allowed to rehearse because 'I was crippled' according to Daveed. We are asking Lillian random questions and having a good time. I'm also learning more about her.

"LIN!" A distant panicked voice yells. I put Lillian down and shoot up to my feet. Panic rises in me.

"Someone call 911!" Another distant shout. What the heck is happening? I look at Lillian. She's on the verge of tears. She looks so scared. She's had traumatic experiences with 911. I start to cry. She looks absolutely terrified.

"Lillian, go find Jon or Thayne. Explain to them why you're there and stay with them." I say. She nods. She stuff her things in her bag and runs off.

"Someone find Pippa!" Yet another distant voice yells. I start shaking along with my sobs. I don't know what's happening, but I know it involves the love of my life and that it's not good. Jas and Renée ta,S my hands and squeeze them.

"Pip, we're going to go see what's going on, but you need to calm down first." Renée says.

"I-I'm calm." I manage to sob out.

"No, you're not." Jas states bluntly. I push past them, but they tighten their grip on my wrists.

"LET ME GO DOWN THERE!" I yell as I twist out of their grip. I break off into a run to the stage. Lin has to be okay. This has to be a joke or a dream or something. I can't take it again. I'm getting reminded of his car crash. WhenI get there, what I see makes my knees give out. Before I hit the stage, Leslie catches me. I just cry into his shoulder. I can tell he doesn't mind. He squeezes my shoulder reassuringly. I keep crying though. I can't believe this is happening.

1232 words-excluding A/N


THANKS FOR READING AS ALWAYS! Sorry for the cliffhanger. Anyways, I'm changing my update schedule. I'm going to aim for Sunday's because my Saturday's have been really busy. So I'll post most likely either Saturday's or Sunday's. I have nothing else to say other than the fact that all of you are super nice and really make my day!


Forever Mine (Lippa, Janthony, Adopted by Lippa)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang