Chapter 26

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~Thayne POV~

"I met Lillian for the first time at our church. I love kids, and volunteer for the kids program there. I met Lilly there and her parent noticed that she took and immediate liking to me. They asked me to be her babysitter because they were away on business a lot. She got really comfortable with me. I'm an actor, singer, and dancer outside of volunteering at church. So about four or five months ago my boss and his fiancée came into work. Lillian was with them. They introduced her as their foster daughter. They met in a hospital. Pippa had just gotten released from stuff that I'm pretty sure she doesn't want revealed to the public. But when they introduced Lilly as their foster daughter I was really confused. I later learned that when Lil and her parents were driving home, a semi truck swerved and hit their car. Her dad died on impact and her mom died shortly after. Lillian survived-without a scratch." I say. I look down at Lillian. She's crying again. I don't want her to have to hear me tell this story. But I don't think she'd be okay with me putting her in a chair outside of the room while I talk to her teacher, considering the fact that she has a death grip around my torso right now. I hug her tightly. "My boyfriend and I are her big brother figures." The teacher nods.

"Well, Mr. Jasperson, why don't you take her home. We aren't doing much today so it's okay. Thank you for explaining that to me." I nod and pick Lilly up again.

"One more thing, though. Lilly's really embarrassed about not having parents. She was hanging out with me and my boyfriend during a show the other day. She said she was scared to come to school because she didn't want kids to laugh at her about not having parents. She has Lin and Pippa, but she's not comfortable thinking of them as her parents yet. I just wanted to let you know. She's really sensitive about the topic of parents as well. Thank you." I walk out of the school and strap Lilly in her car seat. She's crying quite uncontrollably now. I decide driving back can wait. I climb in next to her car seat and unbuckle her. I cuddle her close and rock her gently as she cries.

"I miss my mommy and daddy." She says. It breaks my heart. I hug her tighter.

"Shh. I know, Lilly-bug. I know you do." I say, Doing my best to comfort the little girl. She plays the recordings from her bunny and cries into my shirt. I just hope she won't be scared to go to school tomorrow.

~Pippa POV~

"Oh my gosh Lin. What could be wrong? Is she okay? What if she's sick? Why would she be crying uncontrollably? Is she hurt? What if-" I spit out, a million things a minute. Lin hugs me and then interrupts me.

"Pips, chill. Thayne is with her now. She will be fine." He says, kissing my forehead lightly.

"I know he is already there, but what's taking him so long to bring her back? I need to know what's wrong with her! For gosh's sake it's probably my fault. I'm a horrible caregiver." I say, exasperated.

"No, you're not a horrible caregiver, you're a great one. No, it's not your fault. She's probably still crying or is still shaken up and Thayne is taking the time to calm her down. He's also probably talking to the teacher to find out what was wrong or what may have caused it. Okay? None of this is on you." Lin says.

"Okay." I sigh. "I guess you're right." I say, defeated.

"Yup! When am I not?" I shoot him a look. "Okay, okay. Now, our break is over. We need to get back to rehearsal." He says. I nod and we go back to rehearsing.

~Thayne POV~

Lillian is calmer now. I can tell she's getting tired as well. Unbuckle her back in and climb into the drivers seat. I start driving to the theater as quick as I can, knowing Pippa is freaking out. We arrive and I get Lillian out of the car. She's not asleep, but she's close. I carry her into the theater.

"Oh Thayne thank gosh you're here! Groff is going crazy!" Jazzy says, crutching up to me.

"Why...?" I ask hesitantly.

"Cuz Daveed gave him caffeine in the form of Mtn. Dew and he gave him sugar." Ant pipes up.

"Yeah and now he's just running around acting like a drunk t-rex." Leslie says.

"He kept banging on my dressing room door and I would tell him to open it and come in and he would say: 'I can't my t-rex arms can't reach the knob.' It was honestly really annoying." Chris says, laughing.

"Honestly, I don't even know how you deal with him. He's crazy." Renèe says.

"Oh gosh. I don't know how I deal with him either. I hope he'll crash soon and then we won't have to worry about it. I mean, I love him and all, but when he is energized, he's a handful." Daveed walks out in that moment. Everyone shoots him a glare.

"What did I do this time?" He asks in defeat.

"You energized Groffsauce." Oak says.

"Oops." Daveed says, not meaning it. Leslie playfully punches his arm. "Hey, it's not entirely my fault. Lin told me to keep him distracted cuz he was getting on his nerves. So I found a way to keep him distracted."

"Where even is he?" Jasmine asks.

"Locked in my closet." Oak replies. I shake my head and laugh.

"Well, he better be quiet cuz Lillian is asleep, and she's had a rough day." I say.

"Oh yeah! Is she okay? What was wrong?" Renèe asks. I quick check to make sure Lilly is asleep before continuing.

"Well, the teacher was introducing her and asked what her parents did for a job and it just kinda set her off. Chris, thank gosh your daughter goes to that school cuz Lil was freaking out. Ellie really helped her calm down. she told Jon and I the other day that she was scared to go to school because the other kids would laugh at her because she doesn't have parents. But she's really tired now, and she's calmed down. It was just a rough day for her." I explain.

"Poor thing." Jasmine says. Then Pip comes running down the hallway. She gets to me and I hand her a sleeping Lillian. Pippa hugs Lillian close and mouths 'follow me' to me. I nod and follow her down the hallway and into Lin's dressing room.

1137 words-excluding A/N
HEYYY ITS UP ON SUNDAY!! Personal goal=achieved! So I like this chapter cuz I think it's cute. Sorry it's kinda late at night though...😬 CONGRATS TO LIN AND VANESSA!! WELCOME TO THE WORLD FRANCISCO MIRANDA!! ❤️LOVE YOU ALL AND THANKS FOR READING


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