Chapter 10

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~Lin POV~

Everyone around me gasps and looks at the TV screen.

"Lin, are you sure?" Renée asks.

"I'm positive! The ring in her hand is the engagement ring I gave her! Also, the necklace around her neck is the one I got her for her birthday! I know it is her!" I yell slightly as Jas puts a comforting hand on my shoulder. I let one tear fall, but stop myself from letting any more fall. I've cried enough for one day. Who am I kidding? I quickly learn I can't stop tears from falling as more begin to cascade down my cheeks. I can't go any longer not seeing Pippa, and now I know that she is badly hurt, maybe even dead. I can't take this anymore. Why? Why couldn't have it been me? I'd rather it be me. I hope she isn't in any pain. I want so badly for it to be me. I want so badly for her to be okay. I don't think I could live without her. "Guys, why couldn't it have been me?" I ask, genuinely wanting an answer.

"Lin, you aren't thinking like that, are you?" Chris asks, a deep look of concern coming over his face. "It's not your fault, Lin. None of this is your fault. Even if you would have pulled her hand back, it still could have happened. It's hard to prevent something from happening if you don't know it's going to happen. Stop blaming yourself. As Pippa said when Ant was in the hospital and Jas was wishing it was her, 'Bad things happen to good people. There is no way around it.' Lin, you need to accept it. Pippa isn't gone anymore, she's safe here. She may be hurt, but she's safe. I know what you're thinking, and she's not dead. They would have told you that on the phone. They wouldn't make you come down here to see her if she was dead. I am almost positive Pippa will pull through, she's a strong fighter. Lin, you need to calm down. Pippa will be okay." Chris finishes his monologue and reassuringly puts his hand on my shoulders and stands behind me. (Jas took her hand off at the beginning of the monologue) Just as a nurse comes into the room.

"Anyone here for Phillipa Soo?" She asks and we all stand up and walk over to her. "Is one of you named Lin?" She asks. I raise my hand. She holds out Pippa's necklace. "This necklace she was wearing has both of your names engraved in it. We didn't want to lose it when we had to take it off, so I put it in my pocket to give to you." She says and hands it to me.

"Thank you." I reply, grasping it in my hand and closing my fingers around it.

"I'm assuming then that you're also her fiancée?" She asks and I nod. "We keep the rings on, so her ring is still on her finger."

"Ok." I say. I'm happy they left her ring on. But why didn't they leave the necklace on? I told Pip whenever she was wearing the necklace that I would be with her, and she's never taken it off. What if she knows they took it off and now she feels alone?

"Ok, so I'm going to lead you back to her room, 452." 452. 452. Any room that starts with a 4 is the coma floor. Not my Pippa! She can't be in a coma, she just can't. We follow the nurse to room 452. As soon as we arrive, she unlocks the door and walks away. Chris walks in and glances at Pip. He motions me to come in and see her. When I walk in, I purposely don't look at her. I got a small glimpse of her on the TV out there, and she looked really badly hurt. I don't know if I can stand to see her badly hurt.

"Lin, just look at her. We all know you don't want to, but there is more of you screaming at you to look at her." I sigh because I know he's right. I slowly turn my head to look at Pippa. When I catch sight of her I fall to my knees. She's bruised, cut and bloody. She looks lifeless. Just laying there, with wires and IV drips in her hands and arms. The worst thing is, she's in a coma. I take a deep, shaky breath and stand up. What really scares me is that she may never wake up. She has to wake up. She's my entire world. She has to wake up. She just has to. I love her so much. I can't lose her to some idiot kidnappers. I can't. I walk over to her and gently take her bruised hand in mine. I softly kiss her hand and then rub circles onto her hand, like I do when she needs help calming down. When I go to place her hand back beside her, I notice something written on her palm. 'I love you, Lin' is simply written in her handwriting. I give her hand a light squeeze.

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