Chapter 43

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~Jasmine POV~
February 28th
So Lin told us all that the public kept asking about who Lillian was, and then him and Pippa finally revealed it. After that, we all posted a little something about her and helped Lin announce the q and a they're going to do. The show went well after that and everyone went home. Today, I have a check up for my knee. I am most likely getting off of my crutches and starting more intense physical therapy. I'm not getting my hopes up too high because my stitches did come out recently after my surgery. Anthony tells me that I should be hopeful, but I'm just kind of doubting that this whole thing will ever be over. It's gone on for so long. There's so many things I'm worried about but I keep to myself. I don't want Ant to have to listen to me worry all the time. Im worried that my knee might never fully heal and I'll never be able to perform again. I'm worried that once-if-my knee does heal Scott will come back again. I'm worried that my physical therapy will make it worse. I've heard of someone doing the wrong kind because the doctor suggested the wrong kin of physical therapy and then their injury was worse than before. (A/N made that up) There are so many things I just can't stop thinking about. The thoughts are crowding my brain. I guess Ant noticed I started staring into space.

"Jas? You okay?" He asks me. I nod. "Are you nervous?"

"In a way, I guess." I reply, turning my head to look at him. His face shows the slightest bit of worry, but his eyes look so hopeful. Before he can respond my alarm goes off, letting me know I need to leave for my appointment.

"I'll get your crutches." Anthony says, getting up from the couch and grabbing my crutches. He hands them to me and I get up and head to the door. Ant locks the apartment and we get in the car. He drives since driving is still hard for me. Even if I get off crutches, I still need the brace and I will for a long time. But I can start performing again right away if I get off of my crutches today. (A/N yeah so this may not be accurate but I'm sick of her just kinda being there so...) I will just have to wear my brace under my costume. We drive for about half an hour before we arrive at the doctors office. I crutch inside and Anthony follows behind me. I get called back fairly soon and leave Anthony in the waiting room. I remember him leaving me in the waiting room when he got off of his crutches, it sucked. So I kind of feel bad, but there isn't anything I can do about it. I sit down on the doctors table thingy and the doctor comes in soon enough. He takes my brace off and examines my knee and then I get my crutches again and we do an MRI. I crutch back to the examination room and wait alone for twenty minutes, and I spend those twenty minutes texting and playing those iMessage games with Anthony because the doctor wasn't in the room. There's a knock on the door  and I put my phone away and tell them to come in. It's the doctor with my MRI results. (A/N again, maybe not the most accurate but yeah)

"So, Jasmine, you will not be needing your crutches anymore! Your ACL has reacted well to the surgery and it repaired. Your physical therapy will intensify a little, and you still need to wear the brace, but you can go back to work. I do recommend not doing all eight shows every week, I would say do four of them a week until your ACL is up to its strength again." The doctor informs me. I nod, just happy to be off of crutches. "If your knee ever gets sore, I recommend not performing for a few days and going back to using crutches for those few days until your knee isn't sore, just to prevent any damage." He adds on. So I may have to use my crutches again, but only for a few days. I sign a few papers and the doctor hands me a few sheets on my intensified physical therapy before sending me out. I thank him one last time and walk, carrying my crutches, out to the waiting room. Anthony sees me walking and jumps out of his chair, running over to me. He picks me up and hugs me. When he puts me down he kisses my forehead.

"You're off crutches, baby girl. You're one step closer to this all being over." He says, as we walk, yes, WALK, to the car. I throw my crutches in the back and climb into the passenger seat, because I don't want to drive. I'm tired now, and I haven't even done anything. We get home and Nala runs up to me, sniffing around my legs.

"It's like she knows." I laugh, picking her up and scratching behind her ears. Ant puts my crutches in the front closet and sit down on the couch. I sit down as well, still holding Nala.

"So explain to me what's happening from here." Anthony says, looking into my eyes.

"Well, I can go back to the show, but right now I can only do four a week. My physical therapy will intensify to get my ACL's strength back up so I can go back to eight a week soon. I'll still have to wear my brace for a while. He also suggested if my knee ever gets sore I should stop performing and go back to crutches for a few days until it isn't sore anymore." I explain to Anthony. He nods as I explain. Nala runs off of my lap and goes off somewhere in the apartment. Anthony moves closer to me and kisses me passionately. We pull away and then run after our dog.

(A/N if you know, could y'all comment if Janthony, Lippa, or Jonathayne announced their engagement in this book yet? I'll check but if y'all could tell me if you remember that'd be great)
1030 words-excluding A/N

THANKS FOR 10K!!! I never thought this story would get this far. Sorry for that pretty crappy ending, I was determined to get a chapter over 1,000 words up. Also, I just realized Anthony and Jasmine never announced their engagement, and neither did Thayne of Groff. I'm not even sure if Lin and Pippa announced their engagement either. So if you know if any of the couples did or not, comment that please. This story is a mess and I'm trying to smooth everything out slowly, and lots of wedding should be expected soon. Also, I didn't update IHAD because this book was more important this weekend. Thanks for voting, commenting, and reading!!


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