Chapter 15

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~Pippa POV~

I look up from Leslie's shoulder. I take in the same sight. Cast members surrounding Lin. Lin is limp and unconscious.

"Les, you were onstage with him, right?" I choke out while standing up. Leslie nods and helps me steady myself.

"Yea, I was. One second we were rehearsing, and the next, he was on the ground. It all happened so fast, but I saw him hit his head on the way down. I tried to slide over to catch him before he hit his head, but I couldn't make it over to him in time." He says. "Sorry I couldn't catch him, Pippa." He says. I squeeze his shoulder.

"Leslie, don't be sorry. It's not your fault. I just don't understand why he fell." I reassure him. An EMT runs onstage, escorted by Chris. He kneels down at Lin's side. I leave Leslie and run to my fiancée's side. I kneel down and Chris kneels next to me and squeezes my shoulder reassuringly.

"What's wrong with Lin?" Chris asks, genuinely concerned.

"I don't quite know as of right now. He passed out, and hit his head on his fall, but he's not dead."

"Well nah dip, Sherlock." Daveed says. The EMT rolls his eyes.

"I don't believe the hit was hard enough to do any damage, so he should be okay. I'll have to check his blood pressure and his heartbeat, but I'm sure he'll be okay. I just need to ask him a few questions as to why he fainted." Lin's breathing quickened sharply, becoming fast and shallow. He shot up quickly. His eyes opened and frantically darted around the room until they finally settled on me.

"Whoa Lin. Take it slow." Leslie says.

"What happened? Is Pippa okay? Is Lillian okay?"

"Lin, I'm fine, and Lillian is fine. You fainted." I say, taking his hand and squeezing it. His breathing goes back to normal.

"Lin, do you have any idea why you fainted?" Oak asks.

"I mean, there's the fact that I haven't slept since Pippa was kidnapped three days ago." He simply answers. "I mean I tried to, but I was only able to keep my eyes shut for 45 minutes. I wouldn't call that sleeping though. I just laid there with my eyes closed."

"Well, Mr. Miranda, I would suggest you sleep more. Lack of sleep isn't healthy. Is there anything else that could be contributing to you not sleeping?" The EMT questions.

"I've been really on edge and worried lately. I keep getting creepy, threatening texts from an unknown number. They keep threatening to take Pippa again. I don't want to sleep in case something were to happen. I stay awake at night, paranoid. I lost her once, I'm not losing her again." Lin says. I squeeze his hand again.

"Lin, why didn't you tell me?" I asked.

"You would have made me sleep. I can't sleep if you're in danger." He replies.

"Yes, but you are putting your health in danger. I don't want to see you hurt." I say, my voice starting to get weak and crack. The EMT starts to get ready to check Lin out. Lin squeezes my hand to stop me from crying. The EMT checks his blood pressure and heartbeat. Afterwards, he gets ready to leave.

"He's going to be fine. I'm going to leave now. Use this card to send any threatening texts you get to the cops." He says, slipping me a card. Then the EMT leaves. The cast starts to slowly trickle off the stage, leaving me, Lin, and Chris. Lin tries to stand, but he gets lightheaded and starts to fall again. I quickly pull his arm up and pull him close to my side. I snake my arm around his waist to keep him steady. Chris walks off and I take Lin up to his dressing room. I pull him close and kiss him passionately.

"Lin, please tell me anytime something like this happens. I love you too much to see exhaust yourself to your breaking point. I love you." I say as I make him sit on his couch. I sit next to him and rest my head on his shoulder. He rests his head on my head.

"I'm so sorry I didn't tell you. It's just that you were busy with Lillian and I didn't want to scare you or her. Lillian wen through so much that night, I figured if she knew, she would get even more scared. And you, well, you had just been released from a horrible ordeal. I still don't even know what happened or what they did to you." He says. His voice cracks and tears are shining in his eyes. "And for the record, I love you too." He says quietly before pulling me into a passionate kiss. We break apart when I start to speak.

"I'm taking you and Lillian home. You are going to sleep, and so is Lillian. I'm going to send those texts to the police. Then I might set more stuff up, but I'll most likely come snuggle with you. Ok?"

"Ok Pip. I'll change and get ready. You go get Lillian. I love you."

"Love you. I'll be right back." I walk out to go find Lillian. I was just in the room that Lin and Jon share, and Jon wasn't in there, so I'm going to check Thayne's dressing room. When I get there, the door is closed. I knock. I hear a bunch of 'shhh's from inside the room. Jonathan opens the door quietly. Thayne is sitting on the couch, a sleeping Lillian on his lap. He gives a little wave. I give a wave back and walk in.

"She cried herself to sleep. She thought Lin was dead. She was freaking out and convinced that she lost another parent figure. So that's why she's asleep. Jon and I sang to her, and attempted to calm her down, but this is the most scared I've ever seen her. How is Lin? What happened?" Thayne asks.

"He fainted from exhaustion. He hasn't slept since the whole kidnapping thing." I reply.

"I knew it. He wasn't really sleeping that one time." Groff says.

"Yeah. We all knew it. He's never been so worried and scared." Thayne points out.

"Okay. Lin's fine, so I'm going to take him and Lillian home and force him to sleep." I say. Thayne gently stands up and hands Lillian to me. "Ok, you two are Lillian's official babysitters." I say, taking Lillian into my arms. Thayne and Jon beam happily. We say goodbye and I adjust her on my hip so her head (still asleep) is resting on my shoulder. Once I'm out of the dressing room, I head back to Lin's room. He's changed into his street clothes and is ready to go home. We load into the car and I drive us home. Once we're home, I send Lin to go to bed. I head to Lillian's room to lay her down. While I am tucking her in, she wakes up.

"Is Lin dead?" She asks worriedly.

"Oh sweetie. No, Lin is okay. He was just tired and he fell over. He's okay." I tell her.

"Okay good. Do you have my bunny?" She asks as I lightly kiss her forehead. Oh shoot. Her backpack is at the theater. Before I can respond, there is a knock on the door. I run to answer it. A wave of relief washes over me as I see who it is. Thayne stands there with Lillian's backpack. He hands it to me.

"Thank you so much Thayne. I was about to drive out there to go get it. Thank you so much." I say quietly as I hug him.

"I saw you left it so I grabbed it and came over here. I know she can't sleep without it." He says. We talk for a little while, but he gets a call from Groff telling him to come home.

"Thanks again, Thayne!" I say as he leaves. I decide against setting anything up. I go hand Lillian her bunny. She snuggles with it and is asleep very quick. I get ready for bed and head into Lin and I's room. I get in bed and snuggle up to Lin. I feel him wrap his arms around me protectively. I stay awake long enough to make sure he is sleeping and then fall asleep myself.

1411 words-excluding A/N



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