Chapter 12

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~Lin POV~

I walk out into the hallway. It is total madness. Doctors are running around shouting orders. Three gurneys come wheeling past. One with a man, who looks...dead. One, a woman, who looks like she's fighting to survive. The last, a child, who looks fine and about five years old. She looks scared. And helpless. (A/N sorry 😏) She doesn't look hurt. I want to ask what is happening, but if it is an emergency, I don't want to bug anyone. Doctors just push past other patients and people. This must be a very urgent case. Soon enough they wheel the child back out, help her out of the gurney, then they say a few words to her. Once they leave she curls up on the chair and cries.

"What's going on?" I ask, not expecting an answer. Surprisingly, I get one.

"A family van hit by a swerving semi truck. Three people in the van. The father seems to have died on impact. The mother isn't projected to make it much longer." The man and the woman. That's who they were.

"Is that little girl over there," I point to the crying girl. "Is she the third? The daughter?" I ask. He sadly nods his head. My heart drops. She's so little. I thank the doctor as he runs away frantically after getting some sort of paging through a walkie-talkie type device. Shortly after he runs away, loud beeps are heard, and then a loud flatline. I gently walk over to the little girl. She's sobbing.

"Hello. I'm Lin. Are you okay?" Oh my gosh. Did I actually just ask that? Man, I'm stupid sometimes. I put that behind me. I sit down in the chair next to her. "What's your name, sweetie?"

"Lillian." She says between her loud sobs.

"Okay Lillian. You don't have to tell me, and I know you probably aren't supposed to talk to strangers, but do you know what happened? I promise, Lillian, that I won't hurt you." She nods. Her sobs are still very evident, but from what I've seen, she's calming down.

"A big, big truck hit my mommy and daddy's car." She said quietly. "My daddy lives in Heaven now. And mommy is hurt." She says. I want to take her in my arms and hug her and comfort her. But I don't want to scare her.

"Lillian, do you have any grandmas or grandpas, or aunts or uncles?" I ask.

"No." She replies. She looks so scared. "All my grammas and granpas live in heaven. I never had any aunties or uncles." She's very good at English for a five year old. Ugh, my inner grammar freak is sneaking into this conversation. Not the time, Lin. Not the time. Soon a doctor comes running out.

"Lillian, I'm so sorry. Your mommy lives in Heaven now too." He simply says. My heart drops. Now she has no family at all. Her sobs grow again. The doctor walks away.

"I'm so sorry Lillian. Give me a couple seconds and I'll be right back." She nods and pulls her knees to her chest and rests her head on them. She's so little. I don't know what to do. I walk up to the front desk lady. She gives me a kind look. "That little girl over there," I say to the lady, pointing at Lillian. "She just lost her parents, and she has no other family. What's going to happen to her now?" I ask.

"She will sleep here for the night, and will be put in foster care tomorrow." My heart drops even further down.

"Oh. Okay. Thanks." I wonder if Pip would be okay fostering a child-Pippa! I forgot to tell her what's going on!


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