Chapter 4

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~Jasmine POV~

I raise my hand to greet Renée, buI quickly slap it over my mouth when I see who it actually is. He punches Anthony in the face and Ant lets out a helpless yelp of pain. I scream and Ant falls to the ground, unconscious.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't Jasmine Cephas-Jones. I thought you were 'out of town.' He snarled.

"What are you doing here Scott?" I practically screamed while crying hysterically.

"Making things right. Getting him," he jerked his thumb back at an unconscious Anthony "out of the picture."

"You're going to kill him?!"

"What's so wrong with that, Jazzy?"

"One," I snarled through tears, "you have lost the privilege of calling me Jazzy, and two WHAT DID ANTHONY EVER DO TO YOU!!!???" He was taken back by my loud screaming. He obviously thought I would draw attention so he closed the door.

"I was going to knock you out too, but I wanted you to see THIS!!"He shouted. He then approached Anthony's unconscious body and proceeded to beat Anthony. He punched and kicked Anthony for a couple minutes. Every time I tried to get up to make him stop, Scott would punch me and push me back down. He walked over to Ant's body and picked him up. Ant was so limp. I really hope he's not dead. Can you even die from being punched and kicked? When Scott picked Ant up I thought he was gonna take him somewhere. What he did was much worse. He chucked Ant down to the floor. Hard. Okay, I think Ant might be hanging on by a thread. Knowing I wouldn't be able to stop him, I screamed louder. Nothing happened. So I decided t push Scott down. I stood up, expecting for Scott to turn around, punch me and shove me back down. Instead, he turned around and screamed in my face.

"WHAT DID HE DO TO ME??!! WHAT DID HE DO??!!" He repeated. "HE STOLE YOU, THAT'S WHAT!!" I am boiling. Would I get in trouble if I punched him? I'll just yell first.

"I wasn't with you, we have been broken up for two years Scott!" I screamed. "I TOLD YOU I DIDN'T WANT TO GET BACK TOGETHER WITH YOU!!" With that Scott was even angrier. He grabbed Ant's body vigorously and threw it with great force against the wall. Ant was so bruised and battered. Lying there, lifeless on the floor by the wall. I lost it. I lunged myself at Scott, screaming and kicking. I only threw one hit, and I missed because every part of my body hurt, having being punched by Scott. He realized I was gonna go at him so he turned to leave. But not before kicking me down to the ground and kicking my side a few more times and punching me in the stomach a couple times again as well. I yelped in pain. He ran out quick. I stay on the floor for a few more seconds, then I quickly, but painfully, crawl over to Anthony. Where is Renée when you need her? Anthony was lying on the floor, lifeless. Bruised and unconscious, shallow breaths coming in and out.

"Ant, Anthony!? Please baby, talk to me. I love you, talk to me please." No response. I'm panicking and crying uncontrollably.


"Anthony! Just breathe baby."

"Jas, a-are you okay?"

"Ant, shh."

"Are you okay?" He asks, a little more defiantly.

"Yes Anthony. I'm okay." Not. I thought to myself. I am so bruised. I feel like a pulp. Ant saw my face I make when I lie.

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