Chapter 31

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~Thayne POV~

We finish off our day with Splash Mountain. We decided we would do that last so we wouldn't have to walk around all wet. It was so fun!! We all got completely soaked! I screamed like a little kid when we went down the huge drop. Jonathan thought that it was hilarious. I had a really good day. But that lady's comment is nagging in the back of my mind. I don't know why I'm letting it bug me so much. I'm surrounded by my best friends and my boyfriend. But my happiness has been impacted upon. I'm hiding it well, I think. I hope no one can see through me. I'm an actor, so it can't be that obvious. We all board the buses to get back to the villas. Andrew and Scott had to go to their hotel room, so they boarded a different bus. We eventually get back to the villas. By the way Jonathan is looking at me right now, I can tell he knows something is up. He gives me a look that asks 'is everything okay?' I fake a confused look, like I have no idea what he is talking about. He gives me the look that says 'I know you're faking.' I pull him over to me as we are all walking in a group.

"Thayne, I know you're not okay so stop faking it." Jonathan says, before I could say anything.

"Later." I say quietly.

"Ohhhhhh Thayne and Groff are whispering...talking about later...." Oak teases. Groff and I laugh, along with everyone else.  We reach our villa, and say goodbye to the group. Oak and Daveed head to their room. They go right to bed because we are all tired from a fun day. Jonathan and I get ready for bed. We get in bed and snuggle.

"So, Thayne. I know something is bugging you. What is it?" He asks, while he is playing with my hair gently. I sigh.

"It's nothing really." I say, trying to switch topics.

"Come on, sweetheart. It's not nothing. I know you well enough to tell when you are upset." Jonathan says comfortingly. He kisses my forehead.

"It's what that lady said. I know that she was just being mean, but it has been nagging at the back of my mind ever since she said that." I sigh. Jonathan hugs me closer.

"Thayne, (prepare for Inspirational Talks With Jonathan Groff) there's always going to be haters. They will say things that are mean. They will put you down. They will try to deteriorate your self esteem. They will make you feel like garbage. There are going to be a lot of people out there like that. But you have to remember, there are more people out there who like and love you for you. For your beautiful personality, for your smile, for your beliefs. For you. Like me. I love you for you. I love you the most. More than anyone. I will rebuild your self esteem when people ruin it. I will love you when others don't. I will be there for you, for the rest of your life."  Jonathan got out of the bed. He knelt down on one knee. "I will be there for you, for the rest of your life." He repeats before pulling out a ring box. He flicks it open. "I promise I will. I will always love you, for the rest of your life, and mine. I want to stay with you for the rest of your life. I was going to wait to do this until later this week, but now seems like a perfect time. Thayne Riley Jasperson, will you marry me?" I fling myself towards Jonathan.

"Of course I will, Jon. I love you, Jonathan Drew Groff." I say before we smash our lips together. He hugs me after we pull apart. He puts the ring, a simple grey band, on my finger. "I love you. And I will, for the rest of my life, and yours. I needed this, Jon. How do you make my life so much better? What did I do to deserve the most amazing man in the world?" I say, nuzzling into his chest.

"I love you too, Thayne. You make my life so much better. I don't know what I did to deserve you, sweetheart. I love you. Let's get some sleep. We are going to have a long day of walking around Disney again tomorrow. We can figure out a way to tell everyone we are engaged now." Jon says, picking me up and putting me in the bed, and then climbing in himself. I rest my head on my pillow, and he settles in. Ten minutes later, his head pops up again. "Hey! Now there are 3 engaged couples in the cast. Lin and Pippa, Jasmine and Anthony, and you and me!!" He says excitedly. "That's so cool! We should all get married on the exact same day all together at the same time and it will be so fun and exciting and beautiful and I can't wait to marry you and I love you so much Thayne and I love y-"

"Alright, Jonathan. I love you too. You're very overtired and are rambling on and on. I don't think all three couples getting married on one day is a good idea though. That would probably be very awkward. But can't wait to marry you either. Goodnight Jon. I love you." I say before nodding off. I feel Jonathan lightly kiss my forehead as I am falling asleep. He plays with my hair. "Go to sleep Jon." I say quietly.

"Are you okay now, Thayne?" He asks genuinely.

"What are you talking about?" I ask sleepily.

"Earlier you said you couldn't stop thinking about what that lady said. Are you okay now?" He clarifies, smiling with a compassionate look.

"Oh. I guess everything you said made me forget about what she said. I'm fine now." I say. He kissed my forehead one last time and we both fall asleep.

1014 words-excluding A/N

Alright so this was just a filler, but it was a lot of Thayne and Groff fluff and I hope you liked it! Also, idk if I previously said this, but the end of the Return: Disney At Last, had me crying and confused and shook. And that's it!! Thanks for reading...and for 5K!! I love you all so much!!
Edit-I dedicated the last chapter to my friend, who had recently come out. Well, I dedicate this one to her girlfriend who came out to everyone on Snapchat two minutes ago.


Forever Mine (Lippa, Janthony, Adopted by Lippa)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن