Chapter 48

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^^their dresses/tuxes
~Lin POV~
March 16

I just married Pippa, and I feel like I am floating. This is truly the best day of my life. Pippa sticks close by my side, holding my hand. The glow radiating off of her and I must be contagious, because everyone we can see has huge smiles on their faces. We take lots of pictures of the entire wedding party, bride's side, groom's side, families, Pip and I do some with Lillian, and then some of just Pippa and I. Once we head back in, the energy is buzzing and the reception starts. Nobody, or very few people, know what Pippa and I have in store for Lillian. After dinner is finished, we have the adoption court members coming, to make it official that we adopted her. Everyone is having a good time. Pippa and I stay hand in hand all night. As people are eating, Pippa and I walk around and talk to everyone. There's less than 300 people here, so we have decently long conversations with most of them. Lillian is with Renèe and Chris' kids, running around and having a good time. Dinner lasts awhile and then Pippa and I stand up. We walk to the front and take the mic.

"Hey everyone!" I say into the mic, and heads turn towards us.

"Thank you all so much for coming! It means the world to us!" Pippa says.

"There is someone here-a little girl-that also means the world to us." I say. People smile, but I can tell a lot of them are wondering where this is going.

"Lillian, can you come here?" Pippa says. Lillian turns and looks at us like a deer in headlights, and she just stands frozen on the spot. Thayne stands up and brings her to the stage before going to sit back down. "Thank you, Thayne." Pip adds. We each grab one of Lillian's hands and she stands in between us. She is smiling, but I can tell she doesn't know what's going on.

"So not only did Pippa and I get married today, but we want to expand our family today." I say. "This little girl in between us, Lillian, came into our lives in a difficult time for us, and it was a difficult time for her." Some people who are here hadn't met Lillian yet. "Today, we are making her officially apart of our family!" Everyone smiles and cheers, but Lillian herself looks confused. Pippa goes down to her level.

"Lillian, we are adopting you!" She says. Lillian smiles-now she understands. Everyone laughs.

"Thank you!" She says, laughing. She hugs Pippa and I, and Pippa is fighting back tears. There were a few times where she was almost put with a distant family friend, which she didn't want to live with, but he was eventually ruled unfit for parenting. Lillian has been a huge part of our lives, and when we almost lost her, we realized we needed to adopt her-and we started filing the papers. The room seems to explode with happiness as the three of us hug onstage. A few minutes later, the judges come and we make everything official. Within twenty minutes, Lillian is officially a part of our family. Pippa sheds tears as we vow to care for her. For the people here who didn't know Lillian, they know her now, and will probably get to know her better as the night goes. The adoption is solidified, and then the reception really begins, as everyone starts to have fun and party. Lillian resumes her running around with Renée and Chris' kids, and some other kids that have attended the wedding. Both Pippa's and my parents are crying. After we depart from the stage, we go over to talk to them, and end up talking the night away with them and lots of other people.


~Thayne POV~

I am thoroughly and happily surprised. As soon as Lin and Pippa announce that they are adopting Lillian, I turn to Jon, my eyes lighting up. He hugs me, also ecstatic. Then we go back to paying attention and laughing as Lillian stands there confused. She continues her running around with the other kids after the three of them finalize the adoption and finish the ceremony. Jon and I talk to Lin and Pippa for a while. Then, Lillian runs past us with the other kids. Jon and I exchange a mischievous glance and start chasing them. They shriek with laughter as Jon and I run after them. We catch up to Lillian and Brielle (Renèe's daughter) first, catching them and picking them up as they squeal and laugh. Jon has Brielle thrown over his shoulder and I have Lillian thrown over mine.

"We are taking these two to our base! You better save them!" We yell to the other kids, making this a game. Benjamin (Renèes son), Ellie and her sisters and brother, and a bunch of Pippa and Lin's cousins, nieces, and nephews all turn around and look at us. Ellie yells, she's apparently the one in charge.

"CHARGE THEM!" Great. Now like twenty kids are charging at us, all laughing. Jon and I exchange a glance, and then we whisper a location to each other. Then we start running. We outrun the kids very quickly and soon we have lost them. Jon and I slow to a stop at the table Renèe and her husband are sitting at. We tell Lillian and Brielle that they are in jail, and slide hem under he table. Renèe gives us a look, but laughs along with it.

"I'm watching you two so you can't escape." She says. Alexis, her husband, is laughing as well.

"They can only get out is one of the other kids finds them." Jon explains to her. Renèe nods. Jon and I then run, to deceive the other kids from where we put Lillian and Brielle. They find us again, and chase us until Benjamin stops them. He's about eight.

"They don't have Brielle or Lillian!" He yells. "Stop charging! We have to find them!" Jon and I can hear Lillian and Brielle yelling Ellie and Benjamin's names, along with the names of other kids, and we know they can hear it too. All the kids stop and look around, talking amongst each other. "Shhh!" Benjamin says. "Listen." He says. The kids all quiet down and listen and then go in the direction of Brielle and Lillian's voices. The night continues on like this until very late, when everything ends. Lillian stays at Jon and I's apartment, because it's Lin and Pippa's wedding night, if you know what I mean.

1115 words-excluding A/N

WHOA. A chapter? For the first time in a month? Yeah, sorry 'bout that.


Forever Mine (Lippa, Janthony, Adopted by Lippa)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن