Chapter 36

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~Jonathan POV~

It took forever, but bows finally came. Once they were finished, I ran offstage and quickly changed. I started towards the front door, because I decided not to stagedoor. I get there and there are tons of people leaving through the front door. Great. I try to blend in, just to get out quickly. I don't want to be rude but I have to get to Thayne. He needs me. But, that was an unsuccessful attempt at blending in, seeing as a bunch of people recognized me right away. They all started yelling my name.

"I'm sorry guys. I have to get out of here very quickly." I tell them. They start asking questions. They ask me why, where do I have to go, and if it has anything to do with Thayne. Thayne and I have been dating for two years, but we have managed to keep it pretty private. A lot of people suspect things though. "I can't say anything about why, but I really do need to get out of here quickly. Sorry guys. Thank you for coming tonight!" I say, finally getting through the door. Only to be chased to my car by the people. Lin and Chris come to my rescue.

"Hey everyone, please leave Jonathan alone. He needs to get out of here quickly for a family emergency." Chris yells to the people.

"Yup. Everyone give him his space and back up so he can get out of here with his car and so you people stay safe." Lin adds. The people back away, muttering a 'sorry' and other little things. I give Chris and Lin a thumbs up and make a mental note to send them a text later. I jump in my car and drive fast-but under the speed limit-to the hospital. I walk briskly into the hospital and to the front desk.

"How can I help you?" The lady asks.

"My fiancé Thayne Jasperson came in here about an hour and forty-five minutes ago. He injured his ear. I'm wondering where I can find him." I tell her. She nods.

"Yup. He's in the waiting room down that hall." She says, pointing to a hallway to the left of me.

"Thank you." I say. She nods and I walk down the hallway. I walk into the waiting room and I see Thayne. The bandage on his ear is crimson red. He is super pale, and looks passed out in a chair. I sit down in the chair next to the one he is asleep-at least I hope he is asleep-in. I tap his shoulder. "Thayne, wake up." I say, gently patting his shoulder. He stirs a little bit. So he fell asleep, he didn't pass out. Phew. "C'mon Thayne. I'm here now. Wake up." His eyes flutter and then open.

"Hi Jonny." He says. I smile.

"Hi Thayne." I say. He sits up straight, but then collapses back into the chair. "Are you okay?" I ask him. He nods.

"I sat up to fast and all this blood loss doesn't help." He says.

"You poor thing." I say, squeezing his hand. He gives me a small smile. "You can go back to sleep, sweetheart. I just needed to know you were conscious. I know your ear hurts and you are tired. Go back to sleep. I will wake you when they call you back." I say. Thayne nods and closes his eyes, resting his head on my shoulder. I run small circles on his hand, and soon I feel him fall asleep. I stay awake and text the Hamilton cast group chat with my free hand keeping them in the loop. They all tell Thayne to feel better and things like that. I respond telling them thank you. I busy myself on my phone for a while and then I just look at Thayne. He's so adorable. For the next three hours I just killed time. Thayne woke up a few times but kept drifting in and out of sleep. A nurse walks out.

"Thayne Jasperson?" She asks. I raise my hand and point to Thayne.

"Hey, wake up Thayne. They are going to take a look at your ear now." I say, lightly shaking him as the nurse walks over. He wakes up pretty quickly.

"I'm up." He says, rubbing his eyes quickly. I nod towards the nurse as she walks towards us.

"Alright. Let me make sure the information I was given is correct. Your name is Thayne Jasperson, and you were hit in the ear with a prop. It happened on the job. Correct?" She asks. Thayne nods.  "Alright." She says. She writes some stuff down on her clipboard. "If you could please stand and follow me. You may both come." She says.

"Take it slow Thayne." I say, helping him up slowly. He gets to his feet and is pretty stable by himself. We follow the nurse and she leads us back to a small room. Soon after, a doctor walks in.

"I'm doctor Greene. I will be assessing your injury today. So, what exactly were you hit with?" He asks.

"A prop. The prop was a fake musket." Thayne answers.

"Alright. I'm going to carefully take off the bandages. I'll go slow." The doctor says. Thayne nods. He grabs my hand. I squeeze his hand. After about ten minutes of the doctor slowly removing the bandage and Thayne scrunching up his face, his bandage is off. It's only now that I get a close look at how bad his injury is. His ear is almost severed in half. That's going to need stitches. I can tell. The doctor sighs. "Well, that doesn't look too good. It is going to need stitches, probably around three. After that, you should keep it bandaged for tonight, and all of tomorrow. You will probably want to take off work for two or three days, especially if you are very active for your job, because jumping around may loosen the stitches. Also, your ear may hurt. I will go add you to the waiting list for stitches tonight. I don't think you will be waiting much longer than 20-30 minutes." He tells us. Thayne and I nod. He tells us just to sit tight. Thayne falls asleep again, and he wakes up shortly before they come to get him for stitches. A nurse leads us back and they numb Thayne's ear. He reaches for my hand again. We hold hands and he lays down on the table thingy. They start stitching his ear back together. He squeezes my hand the whole time. Poor thing. It goes fairly quickly because there was only need for three stitches. They tell Thayne to clean his ear twice a day and how to remove and replace bandages. With that, I have Thayne get on my back and I take him out of this place. Once we get back home, I notice how tired Thayne is. It's almost 3:00 AM. I set him down on the bed.

"Go to sleep, sweetheart. I'll be back in a couple minutes." I say. He climbs in the bed and falls asleep in a minute. I pull out my phone and I text Lin to let him know Thayne will be off work for the next three days. Then, I do the nightly things around the apartment, making sure the door is locked, locking the windows, and all that jazz. Then I brush my teeth and grab some painkillers and a glass of water. I put them down quietly on Thayne's bedside table and climb into bed next to him. I feel him slightly stir and he presses himself closer to me. He drifts off again, and so do I.

1300 words-excluding A/N

Sorry this Thayne-ear-injury-thingy has dragged on for so long. But it's over now. Yay...? Alright, thanks for reading y'all! Byeeee!


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