Chapter 33

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~Jasmine's POV~

After the whole Instagram issue, Ant and I fell asleep quickly. This morning, I woke up and saw that Lin put something in his Twitter.

@Lin_Manuel Hey. So I heard about the "who is the lippa kid" hashtag. So, nothing is wrong, but we aren't ready to release any information regarding the subject yet. In due time, you all will know everything, but for now, we are going to keep it locked up. We love you all, don't forget that. Goodnight everyone.

So I guess they heard. Currently, we are getting ready for our last day in Disney. It was a short trip but it was really fun. Lillian wants to ride The Many Adventures of Winne the Pooh, so us girls are taking her to do that while the boys ride the Tower of Terror. We will meet up at the monorail station because Tower of Terror is in another park. We are going through the dark ride and Renèe is sitting with Lillian. We pass the snuffleumps and woozles scene and soon the ride finishes. We take Lillian to the monorail station and wait for the guys. I'm slower than the rest of them because I'm still on crutches. Once they get there, we go to Animal Kingdom for the rest of our last day. Lin makes this face that he makes when he has a weird idea.

"Hey, do you guys want to play a crazy game?" He asks. A couple people groan, but we all agree to play. "Okay. The game is that you have to do crazy dares around Disney World and we could all do something crazy together too!" He says. We nod slowly. "Okay. The first one is we are going to be those people who all link hands and skip down the path." He says. Us, all being dramatic actors, start doing it. Ant is on my left, Thayne is on the right. Pippa stands on Thayne's right, and Groff's left. Since I'm holding onto my crutches, Thayne and Anthony just hold onto my arms. I feel something cold hit my arm from Thayne's hand as Pippa gasps.

"Jonathan! What is this?" She asks, stopping everyone and pointing to his finger. We all drop hands. I look at Thayne's hand.

"Thayne!" I exclaim. "There's a ring on your finger!"

"There is one on Jonathan's too!" Pippa says.

"ARE YOU ENGAGED?" Lin shouts. Heads turn toward us. Thayne blushed, as does Groff. Thayne nods slowly.

"He asked me last night. It was perfect." Thayne says, smiling at Jonathan. "So yes, we are engaged." He says. Our group starts clapping, especially Andrew and Scott, and other random people start clapping too.

"I AM A GREAT PERSON FOR WRITING THIS MUSICAL!! 6 PEOPLE HAVE GOTTEN ENGAGED THROUGH IT!! I AM A-" Lin shouts, but Chris claps his hand over Lin's mouth.

"Pippa, what did he eat to make him this crazy?" Renèe laughs.

"I don't know, it's kind of just how he is." Pip laughs back, shrugging.

"Lin is weird." Lillian says out loud. Everyone laughs. "I'm going to write a show about how weird he is." Lillian adds on. Ellie just about dies at this comment, as does everyone else.

"You're the most adorable thing ever Lillian." Ellie tells her, laughing. Lin fakes being offended.

"I thought I was the most adorable thing ever." He says. Lillian shakes her head.

"Nope. Sorry. It's me." She says.

"How are you more adorable then me?" Lin asks.

Forever Mine (Lippa, Janthony, Adopted by Lippa)Where stories live. Discover now