Chapter 21

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~Lin POV~

It has been three weeks since Jasmine's surgery. Anthony is back at work, and Jasmine usually comes along. (But she obviously doesn't do the show) They have somehow kept their engagement a secret from the world. I don't know when they are planning on announcing it, but it's up to them. Her knee is getting stronger every day, and she uses her crutches to get around. I expected news of her injury to spread like wildfire, but it didn't. The audience members that were watching the show when it happened were told not to spread anything, and not to tell anyone, but I didn't expect our fanbase to hold that information and not share it. So only that crowd really knows. (A/N I know that isn't realistic, but go with it, I need some drama in this chapter) I feel like it isn't going to go much longer without anyone finding out. I mean, fans are already confused on why Anthony is doing the show, but Jasmine isn't. When they were both out, right after the surgery when Ant was helping her get used to everything, we told the fans they were on a vacation together. Now that just Jas is out, fans are jumping to conclusions and all that. But nobody has revealed what happened during that one show. In other news, Pip is doing a lot better anxiety-wise after sharing what happened during the kidnap with us. She just needed to get it off her chest. Our wedding is in three months, and I'm beyond excited. Pippa has already found her wedding dress, and I have found my suit. I just love her so much. I also have some exciting news regarding the cast and the show!! I'm calling an announcement assembly on stage.

"Hey, its Lin speaking. I have something to tell y'all, so please make your way to the stage. I repeat, please make your way to the stage for an announcement." I say over the intercom before going to the stage. Everyone slowly comes on stage, Anthony is helping Jasmine get to the stage, so they show up last. I stand on Thayne's Samuel Seabury box.

"So, what's the announcement?" Groff asks impatiently.

"Okay, so my announcement is that ELLEN WANTS US TO BE ON HER SHOW!!" I yell out. Jaws drop and everyone cheers.

"All of us?" Someone asks.

"I don't know. I was sent a list, so I will send that out." I answer.

"What are we going to do on it?" Someone else asks.

"She wants us do to some question thingy. Like, the first half hour will be her asking us questions about the show and all that. The second half hour we will be taking questions from the audience. It should be very laid back, and I wouldn't worry about getting any uncomfortable questions. I mean, guys, it Ellen." I explain. We all chat for a little while and then rehearse and do a show.

~1 week later~

(Ellen=Bold Hamilcast=Normal (labeled who says what) Audience=Italics)

Today is the day for the Ellen show! Everyone was flown out to California two days ago. The people here are: Pippa, Jasmine, Renèe, Anthony, Chris, Daveed, Oak, Thayne, Jon, Leslie, Carleigh, Javi, Lac, and I. We are all waiting backstage to go on.

"Hamilton cast, you're on in 2." A stagehand tells us. The excitement can be felt radiating from everyone in the room. Jasmine stands up to get her crutches situated. Next thing I know, we are seated on an extra large white couch on Ellen's soundstage. Here goes.

"Hi! Welcome to my show! How is everyone? There is a lot of you!" Ellen says.

"Hi! We're good and we are all so excited to be here!" Pippa says, speaking for all of us.

"That's good to hear!" She turns to the audience. "For those who don't know, these 14 talented, lovely human beings are part of the amazing Broadway production, Hamilton: An American Musical. Written by Lin-Manuel Miranda, the man on the end there," She says, pointing to me. I wave. "and Alex Lacamoire, who is seated over there," She points to Lac and he does a little wave. "he conducts the pit and orchestra. The rest of these beautiful humans are in the show. Lin-Manuel Miranda plays Hamilton as well." We all wave a little. Ellen does individual introductions and asks basic questions about the show and our life. Before I know it, it is time for audience questions.

"Okay! We are going to send someone out with a mic to take any questions you have for the Hamilton cast." The person with the mic heads out and finds someone. A woman in a green shirt stands up.

"Okay, so, hi!" She says. All of us wave. "My question is: as a cast, or as friends, what do you do for fun or to kill time?"

"Okay, um, I will answer this, I guess." Groff says, laughing. "We have a lot of different methods that we use to kill time as a cast. Mostly freestyle rapping, lip sync battles, um..."

"We have dance parties in the wings before our cues-a lot." Oak says stifling laughter.

"Shh! That's a secret!" Thayne says, dying of hysterical laughter. The audience is laughing too. Next, a young teen, in a Hamilton shirt stands up.

"Uh I have a question for Anthony and Jasmi-" She can't stop laughing and her friend next to her is laughing extremely hard as well. "-Jasmine, sorry. Okay, can I be your child?" She asks before completely losing it. She is laughing so hard now that a tear is rolling down her cheek. Her friend, also in a Hamilton shirt, stands up.

"ADOPT ME JANTHONY!!" She yells, before also losing it to laughter. The audience is hysterical, as well as the cast. Ellen can't keep it together.

"Ummm.....okay." Ant starts, clearly a little confused. He glances at Jas, who is laughing like crazy. "I mean, sure....why not?" He says. His face loses the confusion as he starts laughing. The mic man runs to another teenage girl. She stands up.

"Hi. So I have a burning question. Daveed, are you single?" She asks. Oak, who is sitting next to me, snorts.

"Nope." He simply replies. Everyone in the audience and the cast lose their cool over this. They all 'awww' disappointedly. Another person stands, this time a man in a grey shirt.

"What happened to Jasmine? Why is she on crutches?" He asks. The room goes silent.


1082 words-excluding A/N


HAPPY (early) NEW YEAR!!!! Sorry that this chapter sucks...I kinda failed at writing this week because I've been busy. Anyways, I hope you all have a great New Year. My New Years resolution is to write stuff that isn't crap! (In all seriousness, I sincerely wish you all a Happy New Year) Comment your New Years resolutions if you have one. If for any reason you don't celebrate New Years, then I hope you have a good day!


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