Late night chats and cuddles

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Dave's POV-

"Hey Karkat!" I heard myself yell. I hadn't meant to but it just kind of happened. "Who's that?" Karkat walked across the street toward my house. The sun was setting and the light that burned across the horizon highlighted Karkat's features. Tears streamed down his cheeks and his right one was slightly swollen. "Dave." I answered. He looked up at me. "Can I come up?" He asked shyly. I nodded. The roof was slanted really low so it wasn't hard to reach. Karkat on the other hand was having a difficult time reaching it. I hadn't noticed that Karkat was the same height as Dirk, sitting down. I shook my head. I slid of the platform. I jumped off the roof, landing in the yard. "What are you..." Karkat started but his words stopped when I put my hands on his waist and lifted him up to the roof. It was going to be a long night.

"So what happened? I mean, I understand they argue a lot but..." He crossed his legs indian style and sighed. "My dad's a drunk and he's always beating on my mom. Sometimes he hits me." I nodded. "Is that why your cheek is swollen?" He nodded slowly. "It happened so fast I didn't have time to react. I've never seen my dad so angry before." He scooted closer to me. He leaned his head against my shoulder. "Don't worry Karkat. Your friends will there for you." He sighed. "They don't know. I've never told them. About my dad hitting me. They know about the other stuff." I laid my head on top of his. "Why'd you tell me?" He laughed. "Because you listened."

After talking for a few hours Karkat fell asleep. His head laid in my lap. I looked down at him. He looked peaceful. I put my fingers in his hair playfully. He shivered slightly. I laughed softly. When I first meet Karkat, I thought he was strong and independent. But now I know the truth. Poor Karkat.

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