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-Time jump-

John's Pov-

"What are you gonna take Dave?" It was that time again. Time to start scheduling for next year. "I don't know. I'm probably just gonna do most of it online." Dave and I were hanging out in my room. He was laying on my bed, with his back on the ghost sheets. "DAAAAAAVVVVVVVEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!! You can't do that." I wriggled in my desk chair. "And why not?" I frowned. "Because, I'll be stuck in classes with people I don't know. It'll be just like this year. I hate not having friends in my class." Dave chuckled. "Dude, even if I do schedule for the same classes as you, I probably won't get the same teacher. It happens all the time." I wriggled in the chair again. "Please, Dave. At least pick some classes with me." He sat up and sighed. "Fine. I'll do it tomorrow though. I'm to tired to do it now. And if you let me sleep, I might put in a good word for ya." I giggled. I got out of the chair and jumped on my bed. "Fine, I'll let you sleep. As long as I can get some Dave cuddles." He slipped off his shades. "I can agree with that." I giggled again. "C'mere you adorable thing, you." Dave held his arms open and I crawled into them. Dave pulled the blanket that was at the end of my bed over us. "Night Egderp." He kissed my forehead. "Night Dave." I snuggled into his chest as I closed my eyes.

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