What color are they?

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Dave's Pov-

After John held on to me for like 15 minutes I felt better. I knew I could would always feel this way. But if John was around I could get over it. But I couldn't tell Dirk. He couldn't know that I was blubbering like a baby into John's shoulder. It was uncool and un-Strider-like. I couldn't even use the "its for ironic purposes" excuse. None of that would work. Not now anyways. I looked at John. We were kinda the same. We had just lost people we truly cared about. It was hard. But we could make it through this hard time. At least I hoped we could.

I took another sip of apple juice. "Hey Dave?" I looked at him. "Yeah?" He sat down on the floor in between my legs with a game controller in hand. "Why do you wear them? The sunglasses, I mean." I quickly lied to him. "My eyes are light sensitive." Actually now that I thought about it. That wasn't really a lie. I mean, I've always had the shades ever since I was little. I guess that anyone who wears sunglasses for a long time would have to adjust to the light after taking them off and since i've always worn them since about the age of one. It would make sense that my eyes are sensitive to light. But of course that's not why I told John they were light sensitive. I told him that because I didn't want him to know that my eyes were a mutant blood red. No one knew about the color except my close family and Karkat. I guess I didn't want people to see me as albino. I mean no offense. People who have that genetic disorder are pretty cool and I would become friends with someone who had the condition if I ever came into contact with them. (GSL: which is very true. I have an albino friend and he's really cool. And I don't want to offend anyone who has the genetic disorder.) But it was a fear of mine. Some people were really judge mental about that stuff. Of course the strange eye color ran in the family. Dirk's were orange, Bro's were yellow, Mom's were purple and Rose's are pink. "Oh." He flipped through the games on the screen before deciding on Minecraft. "So your eyes? What color are they?" I knew this was coming. "Guess." He tilts his head back until he was looking at my shades. I could see the reflection of him looking at my shades through the reflection of his glasses. "Green." I shake my head. "Blue." I shake my head again. "Nope. Try again." He taps his chin thoughtfully. "Are they pink? Like Rose's?" I snort softly. "Egderp, please." He sighs. "Can I see them?" I push a hand through my hair nervously. I hadn't shown anyone my eyes besides Karkat and my family. Was I really ready for my best bro to see them? "Please Dave." John whined. I guess its better late than never. "Fine." There's no turning back now. I slipped off the shades and blue eyes meet red ones.

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