Living in Washington: Febuary

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Dave's Pov-

        It's been four months since we moved to Washington and I was really glad we did. I had an amazing boyfriend and an awesome best friend. Plus all the other friends on the side. Which I didn't have back in Texas. It made me happy. I wasn't a loner anymore. I was like everyone else. I was normal.

        It was Saturday and everyone was hanging out at John's house. And by everyone I mean everyone, Terezi, Sollux, Gamzee, Tavros, Kanaya, Rose, Kankri, Karkat, John (Its his house after all), his sister Jade and I. That's 11 people crammed in John's small living room. And it's movie night. It's John's turn to pick. To our surprise John didn't pick Con Air or Ghost busters. In fact he didn't pick anything that he would normally watch. He choose a horror film. I don't remember the name of it but it has something to do with clowns.

        Half way through the fourth movie I noticed that Sollux and Terezi were gone. I looked over at John who was fast asleep. I looked down at Karkat. He was curled up on my side, staring at the tv. He yawned. I poked his side. "You should go to sleep." He yawned again. "Okay." He instantly feel asleep. I got of the couch, carefully, so I wouldn't wake up Karkat. I walked over to John and shook him awake. "Hey Dave." He stretched and yawned, making him look younger than he was. Which was very cute. wait, what? Did I just think John cute? I mean I did when we first meet but now he's my best bro and I have a boyfriend. I pushed the thoughts aside. "Dude, your lisping boyfriend and color licker have disappeared." He sat up "Hmm?" He stood up and stretched again. "I'll go look for them." John walked around all the people on the floor. He headed upstairs to find Sollux and Terezi.

Washington boysOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz