Striders shouldn't cry

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Dave's Pov-

        I resisted the urge to punch a wall. Not because it would probably hurt me but because I was in John's house. And I don't think that John's dad would like a hole in his wall. I slid my shades up on my head and covered my eyes with my hand. God, why is this happening? Everything was okay until last night. Dammit. I sighed. Get yourself together Strider. I sighed again before looking at my phone. 9:15 A.M, the clock read. Why is it so early. I got off the floor and walked into the kitchen. I climbed up onto the counter top. I sighed for the third time this morning. So much for liking Washington.

        "Morning Dave!" John squealed, walking into the kitchen. "Afternoon." I pointed to the clock on his stove. It read 12:30. "Oh crap. I'm sorry. Have you been awake long?" I shrugged. "About three hours. No big deal." He gave me a half smile. "I'm sorry." I shrugged again. I looked at John through my shades. His bed head actually looked like his normally crazy styled hair. It stuck up in every direction possible. His glasses were kind of off center, but it looked alright. The tiny freckles that covered his nose looked brighter in the morning, but what caught my attention, like when I first meet him, was his eyes. His eyes were bright blue, almost like ice or water. It was hard to tell behind the dark lens of my shades. but they were still pretty. I wasn't concerned what the rest of him looked like. His face was enough. It was the best part. Especially his teeth and braces.

Time jump- 45 minutes

        I looked down at my phone. I scrolled through all my conversations with Karkat. All the long ones and the short ones. All the 'I love yous' and 'I miss yous'. All the corny jokes and pickup lines. They would be gone soon. He would be gone. I couldn't say those things to Karkat anymore. He would be in New York. On the other side of the U.S. Three days. That's all I had left. I could feel tears well up in my eyes. No. Striders don't cry. Striders shouldn't cry. But I was.

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