I like you in a more than just best bros sorta way

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John's Pov-

        So this is what Jade and Dave been working on this whole time. They had done all of this for me. It was awesome! I could tell most of the work was from Dave. There was alot of irony involved. And I loved him for it. No. I loved him. But there was no way I would him that. "Hey John! Why are you just standing around?" Dave's voice snapped me out of my thoughts. "Oh, sorry." I walked back into the living room, carrying a slightly frozen piece of rice crispy. I went over to the couch and sat on the cushion in-between Dave's legs. He made a strange noise but didn't do anything else. I leaned back until I comfortable. Dave sighed and pushed his hands through my hair. I sighed in content and put the rice crispy in my mouth. This was nice.

        Jade set up one of our many game consoles for us to play. We decided that we would have an Infected tournament. Jade and Terezi were up first. I looked at the screen with no interest. I sighed softly. Dave rubbed my head quickly. I had almost forgotten that I was curled up in his lap. Almost. I looked back at him. I was kinda confused. I didn't know if we were still best bros or not. Maybe we were just bro that liked to cuddle sometimes. That makes more sense for these feelings that had for Dave. Maybe it was because I wanted someone to comfort me after what happened with Sollux and Dave was there for me. But I still liked Dave. Sometimes more than was comfortable for best bros. I had to tell him how I felt. I poked his cheek. "Hey Dave?" I whispered. He looked down at me. "What's up?" I gulped slightly. "I have to tell you something." I gulped again. Why was my throat so dry? "Damn it Tav!" Terezi yelled. I looked back at the people in front of me. I hadn't noticed that Jade had lost and Tavros had replaced her. "Yeah?" I sighed. "Dave, I like you. In a more than just best bros sorta way. If that makes any sense." He laughed softly and kissed my forehead. "I like you too. In a more than best bros sorta way."

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