poor John

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Karkat's Pov-

        I knew I couldn't trust Captor the minute I saw him. But being the overly excited sophomore John was he just couldn't help himself. Captor had promised him everything. But he went and slept with Terezi. One of John's friends. And to top it off it was in John's house! He's a fucking asshole and I would have preferred it if John was still dating Kankri. At least my brother cheat on him in his own house.

        Dave wrapped a blanket around John. He was shaking. Dave rubbed his back reassuringly. "We're here for you, dude." He motioned for Kanaya. She brought him a cup. Steam was coming for the cup's mouth so I guessed the contents of the cup were hot chocolate or tea. Dave gave the up to John. John just stared at it with a glossy look in his eye. He slowly lifted it to his lips and took a small sip. He sighed. "It's warm." We all nodded. Those were the first words he had spoken since Sollux and Terezi left. Poor John, he was so hopeless.

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