Long talk and long walks

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John's Pov-

        "Dirk seems cool. But a little frightening." I snorted, remembering what he said as he ran down the stairs. "And your middle name is really Elizabeth?" Dave smirked. "Yeah. Bro and Dirk came up with the idea when they adopted me and Rose. They thought it would be ironic. Since I'm a guy and all." I smiled. Almost everything I heard about Dave was supposed to be ironic. Even his family tried to be that way. I grabbed his hand as we headed for the downtown area. I looked at our joined hands. I was kinda shocked. I wouldn't have thought that Dave and I would be together. It just didn't seem real. Actually it felt like only yesterday that Dave was showering kisses onto Karkat and I was cuddling with Sollux. Sollux. I wasn't mad at him anymore and we were actually friends again. I was still alittle bit hurt but I try not to think about it as much. Because I wasn't the type to hold a grudge. Not at all.

        As we continued to walk downtown, I looked over at Dave. He looked as beautiful as ever. Almost like the first day we meet. Except he wasn't as mysterious. I stared at him, taking in all his features. His pale blonde hair curled slightly in the wind, the sun lit up his cheeks showing the freckles that dance across his face, his shades hid his eyes but that didn't matter, they were a perfect shade of red; almost crimson but paler. They were hard to explain but I loved them all the same.

        Dave had been silent most of walk. I wondered what was going on in his head. "Hey Dave?" He looked at me. "Hmm?" We had been walking for a while and with Dave being as silent as he was, it was starting to get awkward. But just hearing him mumble out a response is enough to break the awkward silence that was settled over us. I makes me feel better. "Is something wrong? You've been really quite." He hummed quietly. "No. I'm just thinking." I smiled slightly. "What are you thinking about?" He looked at me through the corner of his eye under his shades. "My bro."  I sighed softly. "Oh. Is everything ok with him?" He chuckled slightly. "How the fuck am I supposed to know? He left forever ago. He could be dead for all I know." I gasped. "I'm sorry." Dave snorted and dropped my hand. He pushed a hand through his hair. "Nah, don't be. That shits cool. I'm alright. Yeah. Bro can do whatever the hell he wants. Yeah, sure." I could tell that Dave's voice was cracking. "Dave, are you gonna cry?" He shook his head. "What the hell do you take me for? A fucking crybaby or something?" I shook my head quickly. "No not at all!" I stopped walking when I noticed where we were. We were in front of the fountain in the middle of the town square. "I don't see why you got so angry all of a sudden." I sat on the fountain. "Geesh, John. You really can't see why? God you're such an idiot." I stood up quickly. "What do you mean? Why are you calling me an idiot? Why are you being so mean all of a sudden?" I ran up to Dave. "What's your problem?" I could see the tears stream down his face. "You just don't get it Egbert. You don't you how it feels to be left alone. You always had you're family with you at all times. you don't know what it feels like. You shouldn't have asked. sometimes people don't like talk about their problems." I narrowed my eyes at him. "You didn't have to tell me. You act like I knew what you were thinking about. Its not my fault." I reached my hand out toward him but he smacked it away. "Just leave me alone." He turned away from me and started running away. "Dave! Wait!"

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