mental breakdown (part 2)

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John's pov-

Dave is freaking out. Right in front of me. I didn't know that it was this bad. Maybe it was because Dave didn't really talk about it. We needed to talk he would usually just say things like he missed Karkat or how Karkat was the first person that he actually really loved. But he never mentioned something like this. I sighed. I leaned down in front of him. "Dave, calm down. It'll be okay." He just shook his head. He began mumbling something. "Jade! Is that you?" I heard Karkat yell. "Nonononononononononononononono." Dave spoke. "Dave. Hey, look at me." He lifted his chin up a little bit. I placed a chaste kiss on his lips. "I'm right here for you. Just take deep breaths okay." He nodded and unwrapped his arms from his head. He slowly stood up. I smiled at him. "That's better." I reached my hand up toward his face and readjusted his shades. "Now, you even look the part." He smirked. I grabbed his hand and turned to face Jade. Karkat quickly walked up to us. He practically threw himself at Jade. "I haven't seen you in forever. How's it going?" Jade smiled. "Wonderful!" He turned to face Dave and I. "Oh hey, John. Hey Dave." I squeezed Dave's hand. I noticed something in Karkat's eyes when he said Dave's name. I couldn't tell what it was. "Sorry, to cut this encounter short, but my brother is waiting on me. And if I keep him waiting he'll bitch about it. So, see ya guys around." I waved at him with my free hand. "See ya Karkat."

Karkat's Pov-  (Weren't expecting that now were ya H3H3!)

        What was Dave doing in New York? I mean besides being here with John. Did he come here to talk to me? Did he come here to make me feel guilty about leaving? Was he here to gloat about having a new boyfriend? Did he miss me enough to come to see me? Or was not even on planning to see me at all? So many thoughts were rushing through my head as I ran into the nearest restroom. I quickly ran into a stall and locked the door. I crouched down near the toilet. I was getting so worked up that I felt nauseated. What was going on? I haven't talked to Dave since I left Washington. I had planned on sending him a letter or something but I never got around to it. I started to freak out even more. What if he hates me? What if he cam here to tell me that he doesn't want to see, hear or talk to me ever again? what if...? I stopped thinking to throw up. I hadn't eaten anything today so all that came up was stomach bile. That made me throw up even more. It was gross. This just can't be happening. I stood up off the floor and unlocked the door. I walked over to the sink. I quickly washed my face. I had to talk to someone about this. But who? Who would even care? Who would listen?

(A/N: Well that was something. I hoped you liked that. Here is your story/chapter question: who is Karkat going to talk to? who would even care? who would listen? Please send your feedback and I'll see you in the next update. Bye!)

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