So much alike

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Dave's Pov-

        John jumped off the counter and ran up to Jake. "It's been so long. Jade thought you died. You know in the big storm a few years back. And we haven't heard anything from Jane either." Jake pulled John into a hug and patted his back. Jake laughed softly. "Nope. I've been living with Striders for quite some time now. Its quite dandy really. And Jane? I think she went on a trip with her best friend Roxy. She's quite alright good chap." I looked between the two of them. They looked so much a like they could be twins. Except for the fact that Jake was about four years older than John. I looked at Dirk. He looked confused as well. "Are you guys related or something?" They spoke in unison. "We're cousins." Dirk laughed. "That explains it. You guys look so much alike. Damn. Its like looking in a fucking mirror." I smirked. "Yeah, no shit. I thought he had a long lost twin or something." John snorted and Jake chuckled. They were so much alike it wasn't even funny.

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