the trip

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John's pov-

"Dave!!! Hurry up, Dad wants to leave in about twenty minutes." I sat on Dave's bed. He continued to pack as slow as he possibly could. "You can't rush perfection John." I snorted. "Yeah yeah." He zipped up his suitcase and threw his backpack on top of it. There was a big bulge in the bag. "Dave?" He looked up at me. He had finally stopped wearing his shades in front of me. "Hmm?" I pointed to his bag. "What's in there? He smirked and zipped the bag. "Smuppets. Why?" I shook my head. "No reason. Are you ready now?" He nodded and grabbed his shades off his desk. "Yep, let's hit the road."

Dave's pov-

"Alright Dirk were headed to New York. Don't wait up." I called as John and I were about to head out of the door. But before I could close the door Dirk flash-stepped to my side. "Hold it lil' man." I groaned. "What? He smirked. "You can't just leave without giving your bro a hug." I rolled my eyes. Since when did we do that. "Fine." He wrapped his arms around me and I awkwardly patted his back. When I was about to let go I felt him slip something in my pocket. He whispered in my ear, "Make me proud." Dirk backed away from me. "Tell your dad I said hey, John." John smiled. "I will. Bye Dirk!" John tugged on my hand and we finally left the hell hole I call home.

(A/N: Sorry for the shortness. But I'm kinda running out of inspiration. Plus I was kinda upset about the whole Homestuck thing. I really don't want to bring it up but I will. First we had an update scare for Homestuck and then Hussie posts on Twitter a gif of a horse. A freaking horse! I mean Hussie is pretty cool but why does he do this. Anyway, I was really upset about that and still kinda am. But yeah. There is no story/chapter question. Please send your feedback and I'll see you in the next update. Bye!)

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