Sollux problems

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Eridan's Pov-

What just happened? I watched Sollux push John onto the gym wall. What was he doing? first he gets held back and now he is basically molesting John. what should I do? I should tell Dave. "you're the biggest douche-muffin I have ever meet!" John ran out of the gym door. Sollux slowly walked up to me. He sighed. "I messed up." I rolled my eyes at him. Is he being serious? of course he messed up. he's been messing up. his first mess up was when he cheated on John with Terezi. he should've stopped there but no he had to keep going. He ran a hand through his messy hair. "Don't tell Dave what you saw, okay?" oh no, dear friend, I have to tell Dave. I may not like him but what Sollux did was unforgivable. Dave had to know. I nodded. "Okay, I won't tell." he sighed. "Thanks."

(A/N: sorry for the shortness. I'm also really sorry to say this, but this is almost over. wow, this is probably the longest fic I have ever written and it's almost over. I can't give you an exact number of how many chapters are left but I can say that it's not that much. anyway, story/chapter question, should Eridan really tell Dave? I'll see you in the next update. Bye!

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