Talk to the Maryams (part 2)

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NOOT! GRRRR! I have written this chapter at least five times so I have cut it down slightly. I can't even anymore. The original was actually longer than the one that I am presenting you with but it has been lost forever and we can never get it back. EVER! But I still hope you will enjoy the new revised chapter!


Karkat's pov-

        "Please tell me, Hun. How is that brother of yours?" Huh? "You wan to know about my brother? But I thought you were going to help me?" The other woman, smacked Porrim on the back of her head. "Now, now what did I tell you about that. Quit acting like that and help this young one. He reminds me of the young Signless." Porrium turned to look at the other woman. "Gee, Rosa. I was just asking. you didn't have to hit me." The woman, Rosa, shook her head. "You are acting like a teenager again." I sighed. "Can someone please help me out!" I screamed. These two were really driving my patience. "Oh sorry, Hun." Porrim said, sticking a needle into the manican. "What do I do about my ex being in New York?" Porrim stuck some more needles into the manican. "Hun, I don't think its that big a deal. Maybe you are just overreacting." She turned to Rosa. "Red fabric paint." Rosa walked into a different room. "I'm not overreacting. He probably came here to tell me off, for leaving him in Washington like I did." She looked at me for a few seconds before throwing her head back and laughing. "Dear you are crazy. I've had a few run-ins with ex-matesprites and nothing like that has ever happened. Was he with anyone?" Rosa came back with two clear tubes filled with red liquid. I nodded. "Yeah, he was with his new um, matesprite." I paused. What kind of word was that? "And his matesprite's sister." Rosa walked up to Porrim and handed here the paint. "Here dear." Porrim took one of the tubes. "See. If he came here by himself then he would have sought you out. But since he is here with someone else, he probably doesn't want a confrontation. Hun, I think you should try to make amends with your ex-matesprite before things get worse." She squeezed some paint onto her finger and pressed it onto the fabric on the manican. She left four finger print marks in circle. "I don't know if I can. I'm worried about what might happen." Porrim put her hand, the one not covered in paint, on my shoulder. "You'll never know until you try." I nodded and smiled slightly. She was right. I had to do this. I had to talk Dave. "Thanks Porrim." I turned to walk back out the hidden doorway. Porrim's voice stopped me. "Tell me all about it later. And say hi to that brother of yours for me." I turned back arounf smiled at her. "I will. Bye Rosa. Bye Porrim." I walked back to the passage way. The last words I heard before I closed the hidden door were, "What a sweet boy, too bad the Signless wasn't enough like him."

(A/N: I wish that the old version was still up, I think this one went down the toilet. This chapter is crap. Anyway story/chapter question: what happens next? does Karkat talk to Dave or do John and Dave have some fun time (If you know what I mean)? Please send your feedback and I'll see you in the next update. Bye!)

EDIT: this is the 99 update of the story. And guess what I'm going to do? I'm going to end it on the 100th update! Thats right everything is going to happen on the next update. I can't tell you exactly what will happen but it gonna be HUGE! but if you guys are still wanting more then you can tell me all about that in the comments of the next update. I know that there are still some lose ends that need to be tied up. Like what happened to Eridan and Sollux, and how Terezi felt about the whole Sollux thing, what happened to Karkat and Kankri's dad and all that stuff, Well who knows what happened. Maybe if I fell up to it I'll make a sequel. Oh wait, I already have. What is it, you ask? You will find out about that at the end of the next update. I hope to see you guys then. Bye bye!

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